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Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

Time: 2024-06-28 17:46:28
  • Source: official
  • Author: official
  • Edit: A small editor OVO

"Kai Yuan like"? What on earth

The world seems to have such a rule that when people form consensus and habits on a thing, no matter whether it is good or bad, the first person who wants to overthrow it will always bear great pressure and merciless ridicule.

Just as Darwin was sneered at by the British society after he put forward the theory of biological evolution, it was his perseverance that led to the birth of the later Origin of Species.

In the game field, SLG seems to be an untouchable cake. Although it has the fatal shortcomings of both content and playing method, players have chosen to tolerate it several times because of the superior attitude of the manufacturer, which also makes them more and more rampant. This time, the first game that could not sit still was the recently emerging SLG game World Kai Yuan. He tried to use the concept of "Kai Yuan like" to subvert people's inherent understanding of SLG.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

The core of Qiyuan like is to bring SLG's original creativity, inclusiveness, and extensibility into play to make the strategic game more diverse, and also to put the bad habits of the category out of order.

At this time, someone will ask why other SLG games can not produce the characteristics for so many years, but the World Enlightenment can have it? This is because the licensor of World Enlightenment IP is the pioneer of 4X. Thirty years ago, it created Civilization, the term SLG. As the most popular SLG, World Enlightenment inherits the era play and technological characteristics of civilization, and creates new content of SLG.

At the same time, World Enlightenment proposed ONE The concept of SLG is to accommodate all the themes on the earth since the birth of mankind. The era is from ancient times to the electrical era, and even looking forward to the future. It is beyond the scope of SLG in the Three Kingdoms. The richness of this theme is the best embodiment of inclusiveness.

The extensibility and inclusiveness complement each other. In addition to the traditional SLG, World Enlightenment has excavated more battlefield playing methods of the big world sand table, which makes the battlefield born for the first time the multi-dimensional combat thinking of sea, land and air, and extends the infinite possibilities in playing methods and strategic games.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

In this way, it is really difficult to completely cover the playing experience of World Enlightenment simply in terms of season based geostrategic games. World Enlightenment has never been someone's like, or it is creating SLG's "Kai Yuan like" new era is more appropriate.

Don't be a grandchild. Qiyuan likes to give players everything they want

If you want to be unique in the market, you must do something that your peers dare not do. For SLG, price or krypton is the sensitive word of all games.

For the voice of "no money, no play", the current SLG manufacturers have two ways to deal with it. One is inaction, no matter what the players say, it is not to change, so that time slowly consumes players' patience; The other is a pseudo innovation. It seems to reduce krypton, but it is invisible to increase the difficulty of card drawing in the way of military officers and tactics mixing pool. In the end, it is still changing the soup without changing the dressing, and krypton is rising instead of decreasing. All kinds of practices will not only make players feel cold, but also make the whole category stigmatized.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

This is why they have always been unable to walk out of the strange circle of SLG game content solidification+group locking. At this time, the characteristics of "Qiyuan like", which is groundbreaking and flexible, are highlighted. For example, on the long-standing problem of krypton gold, World Enlightenment provided a simple and crude solution, that is, to put military officers, gold coins and card coupons directly into the hands of players, making SLG easy from the beginning.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

When players have resources, the most important thing they want to do is to draw cards. In this matter, World Enlightenment has also surprised players. In a huge change recently announced by the official, the number of gold coins consumed by the game's fifth consecutive game has been reduced from 900 to 388, and the price has been slashed by more than half. The anchors with goods have not been able to do so.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

Such a price reduction not only killed a crowd of SLG games that often cost 950 and 948 yuan for five consecutive times, but also claimed that the SLG that is the most money saving is two gold coins more expensive than World Kai Yuan, not to mention that World Kai Yuan only has heroes in its card pool and does not engage in melee,

It is much more kind-hearted.

Maybe just by listening and comparing, you still think the number of 388 is a bit thin, so we can make an intuitive calculation. If you play games with microkrypton and recharge 500 yuan in the internal test of World Enlightenment, you can get 17500 gold coins just by rebate in the public test. If you draw cards, you can draw 45 times for five consecutive times, a total of 225 times. If you are a well-to-do player who has recharged 1500 yuan in the internal test, you can get 45000 gold coins when you rebate. You can use these gold coins to draw about 116 times for five consecutive times, that is, 580 times. If you add in the 20000 gold coins and 100 times, you can get about 730 times of card drawing. How about that? Is the number quite amazing.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

Not only is there a frightening number of cards drawn, but the design of card drawing in World Enlightenment is also surprising. The game not only has a minimum of 20 cards drawn lower than that of the same category, but also has a higher card drawing probability of 6.66% than that of peers. In the test phase, many players have verified that the game does not have a card locking mechanism, and all the data officially released are true.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

With the guarantee of counting, and the combination of card drawing and boxing, players' game experience will naturally rise, which is the excellent game experience that Qiyuan like can bring.

The days of being an ox and horse in SLG are over

In addition to the solution of Krypton Gold's appeal, Qiyuan like is also unambiguous about the optimization and upgrading of playing methods.

While other SLG games are still focusing on fighting for every inch of land, World Enlightenment has quietly completed the task of reducing the burden of land acquisition.

First, it is very convenient for automatic paving. The target land is automatically paved along the way, which directly saves time for players and frees their hands; Land improvement: improve the low-grade land around you into high-grade land in need, and ensure that everyone has high-grade land, resources are not worried, and there is no need to race against the clock, because a piece of land quarrels with others.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

In two simple steps, World Enlightenment solved the land problem that troubled players. Next, they attacked the development of heroes.

The level training of heroes has always been a repetitive and boring part of SLG. World Enlightenment knows that players do not want to spend time in these places, so they kindly help players skip these parts. Using special training experience can help the heroes to improve their level, up to level 40 directly, and then conduct instant drills in appropriate plots without having to rush to experience. World Enlightenment It provides a full set of services from Level 1 to Level 45, which guarantees the satisfaction of all players.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

When it comes to fighting the enemy, we have to mention another important factor of SLG - balance. In the past SLG, every time the balance collapses, the most injured are always unarmed civilian players. However, in the balanced environment of Qiyuan like and the attitude of the game towards civilian players, this kind of thing obviously won't happen.

In World Enlightenment, there is a check-in team that can be obtained free of charge after signing in. Numerous war reports in the test show that this check-in team has strong strength enough to break hands with the team of big boys. In addition, the game also said in a previous announcement that it will further strengthen this check-in team and make clear its attitude of being willing to consider for civilian players. With the existence of such a team, you can get a good game experience even if you don't use all the gold coins and card drawing resources given by the game.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

But this is not all. The J-20, the national key weapon, which had been linked under the spotlight before, and World Enlightenment also promised to give it to all players for free. No longer need to worry about it being Kryptonite's exclusive prop. Here, fairness is an eternal theme.

To design these load reduction measures, in the eyes of World Enlightenment, they should not exist. Another point is that World Enlightenment hopes that through load reduction, players will have more energy to focus on the game. After all, SLG's fun lies in the game between players, not in the development of deliberate.

It's not only fun to play, but also flowers to play in World Enlightenment

Of course, if you want to form a school of your own, you can't just change. You must have something new. The reason why they can become Qiyuan like is that the reform of liver krypton is all about drinking and cooking, and the innovation in playing methods is the reason why they can really become pioneers. (Every next sentence may refresh the three views of SLG players, and you can try to imagine the infinite possibilities brought by the World Enlightenment.)

For example, once entering into the game of multi civilization selection, the city image and arms characteristics of different civilizations are different. Since players choose civilization, a game of thinking about personal development has been quietly carried out.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

As the game goes on, players will step into the trend of "cross era development". The wheel of history will roll towards players. What players need to do is to promote them and develop their direction. With each era upgrading, players will unlock the new technology of the corresponding era. This way of promoting the era and creating history is accompanied by the "technology tree" This unique mechanism allows the game to have unlimited potential in the strategic SLG. You can specialize in a certain field to maximize its functions; You can also feel the influence of each technology on the city-state in this era through rain and dew. This freedom of choice and rich collocation make every player unique. Compared with the unchanged SLG of the Three Kingdoms, the changing era is more fascinating.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

With the advancement of the times and the development of science and technology, players will see the changes in the battlefield environment caused by the unique mechanisms of World Enlightenment. The extended "three-dimensional war by sea, land and air" expands the dimensions of the battlefield. There is an air ground coordination and three-dimensional unified combat attack and defense system among multiple arms. The ground forces cover a wide range and the air forces have strong mobility. By adopting a cooperative approach, the overall combat effectiveness can be fully exerted by combining their respective advantages, thus making the battlefield environment complex and changeable, Closer to the real battlefield.

In order to further enhance the experience of air combat, the R&D team directly linked with the J-20, the country's most important weapon, and in order to avoid people saying that it used the name of the J-20 to win money, it simply announced that all linkage content of the J-20 was free, including: arms, main city skin, login animation, etc.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

In the future, naval warfare will also become a regular way of warfare in World Enlightenment. At that time, beach grabbing and landing may become another famous scene in the game.

These new battlefield systems not only enrich the battlefield environment and make the battle more interesting, but also emphasize the core of SLG, allowing players to have a targeted strategy. In multi-dimensional battlefield, a vision provided by reconnaissance aircraft and a force dropped by transport aircraft may be the key factors affecting the direction of the whole war situation. This is the battlefield where SLG players can really play their roles.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

We don't know what kind of craze World Qiyuan will set off in SLG by virtue of its high-profile "Qiyuan like" model, but I'm glad that Tencent's SLG is really different. The "Qiyuan like" it shows represents to a certain extent that manufacturers are willing to listen to players' opinions and dare to make innovation on SLG.

Perhaps under the influence of "Qiyuan like", more and more manufacturers are willing to lower their profile, follow the pace of "Qiyuan like" and start thinking about how to make profits and how to make the game content better. I believe that with the development of schools, SLG games will also usher in a better future. At that time, the player "Kai Yuan like" of World Kai Yuan may have a deeper recognition and interpretation.

 Interesting strategies are not expensive. World Enlightenment leads SLG into a new era

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