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"Shooting Zombies" Perfect introduction for civilian players

Time: 2024-06-28 17:33:13
  • Source: taptap
  • Author: zcwf
  • Edit: Coloid
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Shooting at Zombies is a well made and unique painting style Shooting In Roguelike mobile games, players need to constantly improve their shooting skills and fighting strategies to fight zombies to death. For civilian players and small Krypton players who fire at zombies, how to play this game without spending a lot of money is really a topic worth discussing! Today, we brought you the perfect introduction of "Shooting Zombies" for civilian players to share. Zerkrypton can also play the game.

 "Shooting Zombies" Perfect introduction for civilian players

"Shooting Zombies" Perfect introduction for civilian players

1、 Resource exchange

Currency exchange is a very valuable resource. For civilian players, it is recommended to exchange all these currencies for gold coins and gun drawings. Gold coins are in great demand in the game, which is the key factor to improve the combat effectiveness. The access to firearms drawings is relatively single, so it is particularly valuable. By making rational use of these resources, you can gradually improve your combat power without spending money.

2、 Gem and scouring

The selection and training of gemstones is also an important link to improve the combat effectiveness. You can optimize your choice of gemstones by referring to the gem matching scheme of the bosses. At the same time, when washing gems, try to avoid washing them as soon as you get the gems at the designated position. You can save some water for washing, and finally wash the key stones. This can save resources and improve the probability of obtaining satisfactory attributes.

3、 Mercenary and skill selection

The choice of mercenaries is also crucial. The engineer mercenary is the best choice for you in the early stage. You must not spend all the diamonds in the first seven days. You can smoke them until the pioneer activity on the seventh day. If you are lucky, you can get them directly. If you don't get them, you can save the Rubik's Cube for the next activity. If you still haven't saved enough, you can only get them in the recruitment store. The other is the time-space mercenary. With these two early stages, there is basically no pressure.

In terms of skill selection, the early defense line plus blood return+immunity skill is recommended, because the early zero krypton pressure is still very high, and the defense line blood volume is very low for customs clearance. In order to ensure continuous customs clearance, the blood return and blood volume are preferred if any. Of course, other skills mainly focus on the damage caused by firearms and warm pressure bullets. The early combination of these two skills is very useful.

4、 Mentality

In the game, we often encounter checkpoints, which is common for civilian players. The design of the game itself is to make players face challenges at all stages, so as to stimulate the mentality of players to recharge for customs clearance.

When encountering this kind of situation, remember to keep calm (not impulsive), and fill up the resources of white whoring every day according to your own ideas. Remember, gold coins are obtained steadily, and the combat power will also increase steadily. This requires patience and time.

5、 Other aspects

The key point is that although the premium pass in the game is cost-effective, it is not a necessity. It takes 98 meters to get a super pass every 20 days, which is really a big expense (Micro Krypton Party can win it, after all, it's really cost-effective). Although it can bring many benefits to players, if you are a firm zero krypton player, you can obtain game resources through other ways.

The above is the perfect introduction of "Shooting Zombies" brought by the 3DM small editor. Please click to follow the 3DM mobile game network for more exciting content!

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