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Cui Sanniang's weapon selection suggestions for Infernal Affairs

Time: 2024-06-28 17:20:43
  • Edit: Xiao Yi
four thousand six hundred and ninety-seven

How do you choose the weapon of forever doomed Cui Sanniang? Many people in Yongjie Intercontinental Mobile Tour want to play Cui Sanniang. If we choose the right weapons for Cui Sanniang, it will become more powerful. Today, we recommend a scheme for everyone. It will be much easier to match. If you are curious, let's take a look at it below!

 Cui Sanniang's weapon selection suggestions for Infernal Affairs

Cui Sanniang's weapon selection suggestions for Infernal Affairs

 Cui Sanniang's weapon selection suggestions for Infernal Affairs

Long spear

The stability and continuous output effect of this weapon is good, and it can carry out a long-distance attack. If it can hit the enemy, it will have a slow effect, and the enemy can't hide.

Five eyed blunderbuss

This weapon is also used to attack ranged damage. It can improve the hit rate and attack ability of this character. It has a very good effect when we fight.

 Cui Sanniang's weapon selection suggestions for Infernal Affairs


If you face many enemies, you can use this weapon. It can produce very fast and cause high damage.

The above is the weapon selection suggestions of the forever perishable Cui Sanniang brought by the 3DM small editing. For more related game introduction, please pay attention to the 3DM mobile game network!

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