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The Whole Life: New Year Weight Loss Helps Little Sister Lose 100 kg

Time: 2024-05-22 18:10:17
  • Edit: Coloid
four thousand three hundred and eighty-nine

The whole live bar is a very popular and interesting game to break through the level on the sound, and there are too many levels in the game for everyone to challenge! In the game, you need to help your little sister lose one hundred pounds to lose weight during the Spring Festival. How do you get through? The following is the "The Whole Life" strategy of the 3DM editor for helping the little sister to slim down to 100 kg for the Spring Festival. Let's have a look at it together, and hope it can help everyone.

>>>> "The Whole Life" Complete Introduction to Cartoon

 The Whole Life: New Year Weight Loss Helps Little Sister Lose 100 kg

The Whole Life: New Year Weight Loss Helps Little Sister Lose 100 kg

Help my little sister lose one hundred pounds during the Spring Festival

1. Help the little sister lose weight in the Spring Festival by dragging the items shown in the figure below to the girl

 The Whole Life: New Year Weight Loss Helps Little Sister Lose 100 kg

2. Slide the TV drawer and drag the balloon to the girl

3. Drag the remote control to the TV

4. Slide open the wardrobe, drag the yoga mat to the girl, drag the clothes drying pole to the toilet door, and then drag the girl to the toilet

5. First slide the girls' pockets, drag the snacks to the trash can, and then drag the water from the water dispenser to the girls

The above is the New Year's weight-loss strategy of "The Whole Life" brought by 3DM Xiaobian. Please click to follow the 3DM mobile game website. Xiaobian will continue to update for you!

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