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How to set the screen of "Survival of the Jedi: The Battle of the Future"

Time: 2024-03-28 15:14:54
  • Edit: Xiao Yi
four thousand and ninety-five

How to set the picture of the future battle of the Jedi? The Jedi Battle for the Future is a new version. The picture quality will be greatly updated and the players will have a new experience. The picture settings can directly affect the players' experience, so it is very important. This short edition will give you a detailed explanation of the painting settings of the Jedi Battle for the Future.

 How to set the screen of "Survival of the Jedi: The Battle of the Future"

How to set the screen of "Survival of the Jedi: The Battle of the Future"

1. The first step is to set the default screen in the game to openGL, which can improve the screen resolution and visual distance.

2. Then re enter the game, you can find that the picture becomes more refined, but it will increase the power consumption of the phone.

3. You should make appropriate adjustments according to the specific performance of your phone. Overheating may affect the performance.

4. This function can help players improve resolution, but it will increase power consumption. Players need to turn it on as appropriate.

The above is the screen setting method of the future battle of Jedi survival brought by 3DM small editing. For more related game introduction, please pay attention to 3DM mobile game network!

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