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How to open the magnifying glass function of Xiaomi mobile phone

Time: 2023-07-21 14:42:19
  • Edit: millet
four thousand six hundred and four

Xiaomi mobile phone comes with a magnifying glass function, which can help users to zoom in and view the fonts in the web page and app, so that you can browse information more easily. However, some partners are still not sure how and where to open this function. The following section introduces the specific setting methods for you, hoping to help you.

 How to open the magnifying glass function of Xiaomi mobile phone

How to open Xiaomi mobile phone magnifying glass?

1. Open Settings and click More Settings.

2. Click Accessibility.

3. Click the zoom function.

4. Turn on the zoom function shortcut function.

The above is how to open the Xiaomi mobile phone magnifying glass brought by Xiaobian? Where is the function of Xiaomi mobile phone magnifying glass introduced? For more information, please pay attention to 3DM mobile game website.

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