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"Glory of the King" Zhu Bajie's Hero Illustrated Book

Time: 2023-06-29 11:20:50
  • Edit: Coloid
four thousand seven hundred and forty-eight

stay Glory of Kings At present, there are more than 100 hero characters in the game, which are divided into tanks, soldiers, assassins, mages, shooters and auxiliary six positions! The second senior brother, Zhu Bajie, has a massive body. He went to war as a tank in the King's Glory Game and has a massive amount of blood. Today, I brought you the King's Glory Pig's Hero Illustrated Book, which includes the skin/costume/inscription/skill bonus/combo recommendation of the hero. Don't miss it if you are interested!

 "Glory of the King" Zhu Bajie's Hero Illustrated Book

"Glory of the King" Zhu Bajie's Hero Illustrated Book

Pig Bajie skin

1. Surplus every year

Obtained by: 288 points

2. Western Escort

Level: limited by battle order (brave)

Obtained by: Level 1 of S20 season advanced version

3. Tidal Play Lunar Exploration Tour

Level: Brave

Obtaining method: Obtaining diamonds (exchanging king crystal)

Voice: dream, simple and lovely voice

4. Pig can understand

Level: 86 version of Journey to the West authorized (epic)

Obtaining method: limited time sale, 888 points (532 points in the first week)

Get it free of charge through the six year anniversary time limited activities

Hero teaching

Pig Bajie is a tank hero in China, and is the 90th hero in the King's formal uniform. Pig Bajie was originally responsible for digging the ground and breaking the earth. He was naked with a rake in his hand. Zhu Bajie has many control effects and the ability to absorb damage to protect the back row and advance.

Adaptive equipment

1. Recommended Outfit 1: Shadow Tolerance Foot+Red Lotus Cloak+Eye of the Immortal Bird+Overlord Heavy+Extreme Cold Storm+Evil Lady Cloak

 "Glory of the King" Zhu Bajie's Hero Illustrated Book

2. Recommended Outfit 2: Shadow Tolerance Foot+Red Lotus Cloak+Eye of Immortal Bird+Extreme Cold Storm+Shadow Battle Axe+Lightning Dagger

 "Glory of the King" Zhu Bajie's Hero Illustrated Book

Pig Bajie inscription matching

Recommended inscriptions: change, emptiness, harmony

 "Glory of the King" Zhu Bajie's Hero Illustrated Book

Add points to Pig's Eight Commandments skill

Skill points: main lift meat trampoline, vice lift captive time

 "Glory of the King" Zhu Bajie's Hero Illustrated Book

Summoner skill: flash/purify

 "Glory of the King" Zhu Bajie's Hero Illustrated Book

Pig's Eight Commandments Technique

1. Line to line second person combo: 2 flashes A31

2. Consumption combo: 2A112AA

3. Group beating combo: 32A1

The above is the King's Glory Pig's Eight Commandments Hero's Illustrated Book, skin/costume/inscription/skill bonus/combo recommendation, and more relevant content, please click to follow the 3DM mobile game website, and the small editor will continue to update you!

Hero Illustrated Book
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