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Take the Six All round Cartoon Introduction

Time: 2022-12-19 14:53:57
  • Edit: Coloid
eight thousand four hundred and forty-seven

Serving the sixth is a popular small game of dithering. You can enter dithering and search the search box [Serving the sixth] to find the game! The game involves hot spots, various plot reversals, and classic scenes, which are much more exciting, rich in content, and full of gameplay. The following is a summary of the game introduction of 3DM, and the answer summary of the whole level. Let's have a look together with interested partners.

Take the Six All round Cartoon Introduction

Take the Six All round Cartoon Introduction


No. of reverse slag accumulation in pursuit of the sun Escape from Flaming Mountain

Xiangyu's lines

Wulin Duel Guide to coaxing your girlfriend 1 Gathering of the Three Kingdoms

Brainwashing lines

Shiro sings Defeat the Dynasty Guide to coaxing your girlfriend 2

The Royal Garden

Laoliu Express Find six heroes Xiaojiaozi is coming

Qingqing Gifts

I took a taxi Grab a pair of pants Can you make coffee

The first level: selling abducts

1. First click the kitten in the woman's hand on the right, and the kitten will jump to the ground;

2. Then drag the kitten to the left hand of "Big Smart" and click on the underground dog;

3. The dog will get up and scare the cat away, and the pictures on the wall will also hurt Big Smart because of the fight between the cat and the dog;

4. At this time, Da Congming needs a crutch. Players can pass the test by dragging the crutch to Da Congming.

Friendly prompt: Support the left and right keys of the keyboard to turn pages
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