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Quick completion skills of Jedi Survival Pass task

Time: 2021-05-14 18:10:22
  • Edit: Xiao Mei
five thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine

First, let's look at task types.

First, daily tasks (because daily tasks are different, analysis will not be done here).

Second, ordinary tasks (relatively simple tasks, or tasks that you don't need to do specifically to play the game normally will not be specifically mentioned. In addition, the statistics of all tasks completed must be calculated after 5 minutes of the game).

 Quick completion skills of Jedi Survival Pass task

First, we must form a team, which is basically easy to complete.

Article 2: Antitoxic packaging.

Article 3: Play more normally.

Article 4: The stronger students lead the team, and the weaker students hold their thighs.

Article 5: This is the most difficult task at present. At present, the way to finish it is that there are two top teammates in the fourth row. They can do long-range sniping by themselves. They can drop and lick snipers by air. They don't force snipers. They can take on all the tasks of pulling people. They can't take poison and drink all the drinks at any time (it's hard to think about it).

Article 6: Find medicine and oil on the ground, and drive around the outermost area. Poison doesn't exist.

Article 7. Normal game.

Rule 8, open 4 rows! Pick up the minimum living allowance, and after five minutes, then just leave.

Article 9: Normal games (if the top ten are difficult... just go in).

Article 10: Find a teammate who is willing to cooperate, knock him down on the ground 10 times, lift him up 10 times, and live for 5 minutes.

Article 11, let's not talk about this.

Article 12, 4 rows, pick up a minimum living allowance on the ground, and then try hard to get rid of it (the author has played a normal game).

Third, the Sano mission (this is a pit in a pit).

Continuous tasks can start the next task only after finishing the previous task, so you have to do it again even if you finish 1 and 2 and 2 in one round.

1/2 chain task, 10 games, remember 5 minutes.

Chain task 1/5, time consuming.

In actual measurement, find a third level bag outside the circle with medicine and drinks, stay outside the circle all the time, and make sure that you are in the top 10. Basically, you can play in one round.

Where people jump less, they will stay away when they hear the gunshot, and it will be fine after 15 minutes.

It's basically OK to take a quarter of the way (no driving).

Floor steel gun or minimum living allowance.

Picking up the minimum living security, using fists, machetes, guns and pistols to blow your head is all counted. This suggestion can be done together with the following task combinations.

Pick up oil Pick up oil!! In the picture of Sanuo, all vehicles have only 1/3 oil, and then drive back and forth outside the poison circle.

Pick up 98K or M24, and one shot will break one level 2 head.

There will be a house next to the landing when you pick up the subsistence allowance. You can go in and get the things you need and then come out. You can also cooperate with the above tasks.

Find a teammate and hammer him 10 times in the empty place.

The fastest way is to form a team. The whole team will search for 10 bags, and then change the team mate to beat you. It will be good to use the 10 bags.

In the same way, the whole team searched for 50 bandages, let the team-mates beat them, and then use them (it's OK to use them at the same time...).

Search with your teammates. Pain killers don't count... Then drink hard. Don't be afraid of diabetes

Fourth, weekly tasks (at present, only the first week tasks are unlocked, and weekly tasks can be done together with Sano tasks, which will be discussed separately below).

The simple tasks will not be discussed separately. Let's take some tasks that will waste time.

It is very simple to pick up the minimum living allowance. Note that the saw short hand spray is not a pistol.

As mentioned above, you can collect handguns, machetes, snipers, rifles and submachine guns in five ways.

The new picture also brushes a lot of combustion bottles, so it's OK to pick one to brush a minimum living allowance.

The simplest way is to pick up the subsistence allowance, which is normally completed by the author


In order to complete the mission of Jedi survival in the shortest time, in addition to playing games normally, there are only two core points. It will save you a lot of time to pick up low cost insurance and Gou!

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