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A summary of the captor's tactics in "The End of the World Moon Swordsman Tour"

Time: 2020-10-21 11:34:52
  • Edit: Seven Seventh Sauce
twenty-eight thousand three hundred and ten

In the game "Tianya Mingyue Knife", the way to use the captors to solve cases is to use their identities to unlock the cases in the captors' cases. I believe that there are still many kids who are not very clear about the answers to the captors' cases. Next, I will bring you a summary of the captors' strategies in "Tianya Mingyue Knife". Let's have a look at them together.

 A summary of the captor's tactics in "The End of the World Moon Swordsman Tour"

Summary of Captor's Strategies for Determining Cases

Villain from the county government

Hao Lianyun Case

Lid case

Lu Sanming Case

Tang Yunxun Case

Zhu Jia Case

Duanmu Honest Case

Qingniang case

Wang Xiaowu Case

Zhao Tieniu Case

Wang Zhen Case

Frost red case

Laohe case

Luo Baoshan Case

Tang Lin Case

Li Niang Case

Zhang Laosi Case

State capital key criminal

Yunji case

Mrs Liu's case

Cui Xiande Case

Master Jingyi's case

Lu Chi case

Lin Yuege Case

Wang Yu's case

Tian Dagui Case

Smoking case

Lv Dong Case

Imperial Court Criminal

Huangfu's strange case

Li Si case

Cen An Case

Gu Jiangning Case

Gu Yi Case

Yang Baoshan Case

Yu Li's case

Miao Ling's lacquer case

Kim's case

Suspicious case tracing

District Xuehe Case

Pour the garden and frighten the soul

Cover a mystery

Zheng Gulou Killing Bureau


Tracing famous paintings

Ancestor's Secret

Introduction to the game

Tianya Mingyue Knife is an RPG mobile game that allows players to experience romantic travel. It is a perfect demonstration of chivalry and righteousness. The complete story makes players experience the real feeling, and there are more scenes that make players seem to enter a real world, where you are a Great Xia.

Game background

The founder of Zhenwu, Zhang Mengbai, was born in a scholarly family. When he failed in many examinations, he came across a Taoist named Fu Yaozi in Xiangzhou Mountain. Through the enlightenment, Zhang Mengbai joined the martial arts with literature, and learned the art of dispelling shadows. He abandoned literature and followed the martial arts. Later on, he visited Taibai and Fengwuxian, who were friends with Dugu Feiyun.

After Fuwangzi's celestial tour, Zhang Mengbai closed his door for ten years, and finally realized that "the world is uncertain, where can Taoism exist?" So he followed Fuwangzi's calligraphy and found Jiushiyan in Zhenwu Mountain to start the school. The mountain is covered with pines and clouds. The true martial arts disciples look at the sea of clouds and confirm each other with their own martial arts of dispelling shadows and leaving the abyss. Their achievements in martial arts are remarkable and they are widely praised in the Jianghu.

Game features

1. The first full product developed spontaneously by Tencent 3D The martial arts MMORPG mobile tour will give you infinite surprises;

2. The game is adapted from the online game of the same name, with high-definition and realistic pictures, and easy to use;

3. The game takes the Chinese orthodox martial arts culture as the creative basis, combined with a large number of international advanced next-generation technology applications, to bring players a pure Chinese style picture and rich martial arts experience of the game experience.

The above is all the contents of the summary of the "Tianya Mingyue Knife" captors' strategies. For more game strategies, please keep an eye on the 3DM mobile game network!

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