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"Little Legion 2" Demobilized Coin Acquisition Strategy

Time: 2020-05-19 15:33:26
  • Source: 3DM finishing
  • Edit: Xiaoyan
two thousand nine hundred and seventy

Little Legion 2 The resources in mobile games are very important for players. These resources have different functions, but they are difficult to obtain. How to obtain the demobilized coins? Next, Xiaobian will bring you the strategy of getting severance coins. Come and have a look!

 "Little Legion 2" Demobilized Coin Acquisition Strategy

Tips for getting demobilized coins

Demobilization currency:

The lords of Panup will demobilize the redundant heroes and sell them to mercenary organizations to obtain special demobilized coins.

Access: Time Tower Dispels Ordinary Heroes

 "Little Legion 2" Demobilized Coin Acquisition Strategy

Demobilized coins can only be obtained by demobilized ordinary quality heroes through customs clearance, which is relatively rare. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the exchange of goods. Elite Spirit Stones in the store have the highest exchange priority, and others can be exchanged according to their own conditions.

Players can get different numbers of demobilization coins by demobilizing the heroes they already own.

It should be pointed out that the suggestions for demobilization are not necessary and of average value. High quality heroes are not recommended to be demobilized, but can be used to promote heroes.

The above is all the contents about the strategy of getting demobilized coins in Little Legion 2. Please keep an eye on 3DM mobile game network for more game introduction!

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