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Introduction to Advanced Essence of Little Legion 2

Time: 2020-05-07 11:55:36
  • Source: 3DM finishing
  • Edit: Xiaoyan
four thousand one hundred and eighty-two

Little Legion 2 It is released by Hero Mutual Entertainment Agency strategy Place mobile games. In the game, advanced essence is an essential resource for upgrading heroes, and is a very important resource. Next, I will bring you a high-level essence acquisition strategy. Come and have a look!

 Introduction to Advanced Essence of Little Legion 2

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Advanced essence acquisition strategy

As an essential resource for upgrading heroes, advanced essence can be obtained mainly through the following ways:

1. Hang up to get

The lord can obtain advanced essence through daily hanging up Level The more resources you have, the more resources you will have.

2. Purchase in ordinary stores

The merchants and bosses of ordinary stores often sell high-level essences. The lord can buy a large number of high-level essences as long as he pays a certain amount of precious stones or gold, and the lord adults can buy them as needed.

 Introduction to Advanced Essence of Little Legion 2

(To tell you the truth, if there is an advanced essence of gold purchase, you must buy it!)

3. Sky Trial

The play method of sky trial is the same as the play method of pushing the map. As long as you defeat the enemy team, you can get rewards. The rewards contain a lot of high-level essences. The lords should remember to fight. What's important is that there are also rewards for gems and purple stones in the sky trial!

4. Obtained in arena

The lord will get the winner's reward every day when he wins the challenge. The reward content contains high-level essence, so the lord, go and become stronger!

 Introduction to Advanced Essence of Little Legion 2

5. Adventure board task

After passing 1-36, the Lord can open the Adventure Board task copy. Every day, you can get resources by hanging up, which also contains advanced essence. At the same time, the Adventure Board task can be refreshed by consuming a certain amount of gems. If the Lord needs advanced essence but does not have the task reward, he can pay a certain amount of gems to refresh~

6. Time Tower

Administrator of Time Tower: Recycle unwanted spirits, recycle unwanted spirits, one in five essences, one in five essences

Yes, all the green heroes obtained by the lord adults through drawing cards can be taken to the administrator of Time Tower to exchange for high-level essence~

The above is all the contents of the strategy for obtaining the advanced essence of Little Legion 2. Please keep an eye on 3DM mobile game network for more game introduction!

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