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Absolute Highland Battlefield

Pixel sandbox wind survival shooting game
 Absolute highland battlefield mobile game app
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Introduction to the game

Absolute Highland Battlefield 》It is a high-quality pixel style 100 person survival shooting mobile game, a new chicken eating game, choose your favorite character, collect materials and weapons in a large map, and launch fierce shooting confrontation with other players. It's time to show your survival technology, and download experience now!!

Game features

1. Simulate the city, and hundreds of people live;

2. The strong is the king, and the weak is the law of the jungle;

3. Shoot and fight, and the king of gun reappears.

Game highlights

1. Classic sandbox style;

2. Rich game playing methods;

3. Multiple game modes.


1. There will be several characters with different feelings when entering the game. We will use a basic character, and other tasks that you may find attractive need to be unlocked with the resources in the game;

2. The playing method of the game is also relatively free, and there will be more operation keys on the right side of the game. Each key will have its own role, which needs good cooperation;

3. In the city simulation, the simulation is in place. We feel that the style of the city is more real, and we can freely choose to jump to every corner of the city.

Minor editorial comments

Absolute Highland Battlefield is a fun action shooting game, focusing on chicken eating. Players need to pick up all kinds of weapons in the map to fight and defeat all enemies, and the last remaining people will win. The picture style is mainly abstract pixel style, with a very open battle map, which can fight in cities or in mountains and valleys. All combat weapons and resources are in an open form, and you need to explore them yourself.

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Screenshot of the game
  •  Screenshot of mobile game app in absolute highland battlefield
  •  Screenshot of mobile game app in absolute highland battlefield
  •  Screenshot of mobile game app in absolute highland battlefield
  •  Screenshot of mobile game app in absolute highland battlefield
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