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Hide and seek mobile games

New casual scuffle game
 Hide and seek mobile app
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Introduction to the game

Hide and seek mobile games 》It is a leisure war game with super cute style, cartoon style game screen, and unique fighting method. Players need to be full of their own operational ability and strategy, and can also fight with global players. Come and download it!

Game background

Mysterious viruses are sweeping through animal towns, and people die every day because they are crazy with viruses. In order to survive, the residents of the town must unite to resolve the crisis.

Game features

1. Let's hide, hide, and I'll find you to see who will be found;

2. The game is created in a cute way, which can create a good game atmosphere for players;

3. All kinds of interesting play challenges are waiting for you here, so that more players can start their own wonderful challenges.

Game play

1. After infection, efforts should be made to find a cure;

2. Try to collect props to prevent the spread of viruses;

3. Move flexibly to avoid pursuit; The grass steals, and the wits fight bravely.

Minor editorial comments

This is a new casual melee game, with global players fighting in real time.

Game highlights

1 The difficulty of playing the game is not very high, but it can bring more interesting playing methods to players;

2. Each level has different difficulty settings and needs to complete different operations;

3. Rich levels allow you to challenge, challenge various random playing methods, and play games with cats.

3dm mobile game network provides you with mobile games of hide and seek. Welcome to remember the website of this site. 3dm mobile game network is the best website for you to download Android mobile app!

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Screenshot of the game
  •  Screenshot of hide and seek mobile app
  •  Screenshot of hide and seek mobile app
  •  Screenshot of hide and seek mobile app
  •  Screenshot of hide and seek mobile app
  •  Screenshot of hide and seek mobile app
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