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Six Palaces Array

A puzzle game with array as the core
 Six palace maze mobile game app
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Introduction to the game

Six Palaces Array 》It is a puzzle leisure mobile game with the theme of maze. The game has a high degree of durability and extremely brain burning playing method, which will definitely make you addicted to it. There are two modes for you to choose. Interested players, please download and try it!

Developer's words

This game is especially brain burning. It is a new type of maze that you can play.

Play moderately and don't get dizzy.

Also, even if you know how the game path is constructed. But I can't find the rule of going out quickly. Anyway, I'm looking for it. If anyone finds it, let me know by the way.

Game features

1. This kind of maze breaks the rule of "walking along one side of the wall can get out of the maze", and on this basis, the path is random and the difficulty is infinite;

2. The game has low operability, high intelligence and high playability. The game has six modes and two formations. The same formation and the same mode are infinitely difficult. Each mode has a unique way of playing, and the formation determines the structure of the path. At the same time, in the same mode, in the same formation, and in the same difficulty, the game will rearrange its path every time it starts;

3. Ghosts strike the wall. In the Ghost Array, if you play the game while in a daze, you will walk 500 times in the 10th maze and 10000 times in the 20th maze. In the game, it starts with 50 layers. 100 layers are added for each pass. And every time you enter the game, the path will be randomly generated again.

Minor editorial comments

The Six Palaces Maze is a kind of trapped array with the array as the core, which combines the maze and the ever-changing array, and is different from the ordinary maze.

3dm mobile game network provides you with six house puzzle mobile games. Welcome to remember our website. 3dm mobile game network is the best website for you to download Android mobile game app!

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Screenshot of the game
  •  Screenshot of Six Palace Maze mobile game app
  •  Screenshot of Six Palace Maze mobile game app
  •  Screenshot of Six Palace Maze mobile game app
  •  Screenshot of Six Palace Maze mobile game app
  •  Screenshot of Six Palace Maze mobile game app
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