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Chongya Cookie Kingdom

Run your own Cookie Kingdom
 Chongya Cookie Kingdom mobile game app
  • Version:
  • Platform: Android
  • Type: Card Strategy
  • Updated: 2023-12-31 13:19
  • manufacturer:
  • Language: Chinese
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Introduction to the game

Chongya Cookie Kingdom Game Genuine Download A strategy card business game with genuine authorization. Players can reclaim the emperor by fighting and harvest resources to create their own kingdom, so that biscuit residents can live a happy life. At the same time, players can lead biscuits to explore the unknown continent bravely and grow in the adventure. Each biscuit role has its own charm and characteristics. It plays a variety of roles in the battle. Players who want to experience it should try it soon.

Chongya Cookie Kingdom Game Advantage

1. It is a game full of interesting challenges. Players can gradually take risks in the map.

2. Cartoon style adventure painting style, there will be more rich and varied levels waiting for players to explore in the subsequent challenges.

3. As the adventure goes on, the players' individual appearance will be presented one by one.

4. Players can face all kinds of dangerous environments, fiercely attack their opponents, and end the fierce battle.

Chongya Cookie Kingdom Game Highlights

1. In the game, players can use candy as shells to attack, so that the most urgent battle can begin.

2. Simple operation can also make it easy for any player to get started and enjoy different game times.

3. The game supports multiplayer online battle, which can accommodate up to 20 players to compete with other players.

4. The game has a variety of maps. There are many different maps to choose from. Each map has unique characteristics.

Chongya Cookie Kingdom Game

1. There are many different weapons and equipment in the game. Players can obtain them through searching, improve their own strength and win more easily.

2. The wonderful sound effects create a feeling of being born in the environment. The background music and sound effects in the game make players fully engaged.

3. The game provides single player mode and multiplayer mode, and players can choose the mode they want to play according to their personal preferences.

4. Each game is set with a time limit of about 10 minutes to test the reaction and decision-making ability of players.

Chongya Cookie Kingdom Game Review

1. This is a thrilling high temperature environment. The temperature in the oven is extremely high. Players need to find a way out in a short time, or they may be burned to death.

2. Diversified mechanism traps. In addition to high temperature, there are various traps waiting for players to avoid carefully to avoid death.

3. The game provides a rich reward and achievement system. Successful players can get rich rewards and achievements, and improve their participation in the game.

4. Players need to constantly search for props and equipment to improve their own strength. At the same time, they need to carefully choose whether to fight with other players.

3dm mobile game network provides you with mobile games of Chongya Cookie Kingdom. Welcome to remember our website. 3dm mobile game network is the best website for you to download Android mobile game app!

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Screenshot of the game
  •  Screenshot of mobile game app of Chongya Cookie Kingdom
  •  Screenshot of mobile game app of Chongya Cookie Kingdom
  •  Screenshot of mobile game app of Chongya Cookie Kingdom
  •  Screenshot of mobile game app of Chongya Cookie Kingdom
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