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Cornelica, Nightmare Street

Funny adventure to develop mobile travel
 Nightmare Street Konelika mobile travel app
  • Version: 5.0.1
  • Platform: Android
  • Type: cosplay
  • Update: 2024-06-16 18:32
  • manufacturer:
  • Language: Chinese
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Introduction to the game

Cornelica, Nightmare Street 》It is a fun adventure mobile game. The picture of the game is very exquisite. Players can help the heroine escape from the pursuit of the succubus. The rich story of the game allows players to fight. There are also many endings that can be triggered. The highly free game plays. You can meet many little sisters here all the time. It is a test of players' operability, If you are interested, please download the experience of Cornelica on Nightmare Street.

Game Details

In the game of Cornelica in Nightmare Street, the player will play a very powerful hero, who is constantly pursued by demons in the game and finally wants to escape. In the game, you will be a two-dimensional cartoon character working as a bartender in a tavern. In the process, you will encounter various challenges and adventures, even your heart, In order to escape her pursuit, you should find a way to fight wits and bravely, and successfully escape from the devil. The playing method is very exciting.

Game features

1. Don't do anything that she hates. She will be farther and farther away from you.

2. All kinds of wonderful events are extremely rich! All kinds of playing methods are totally unexpected.

3. There are many different role players in the game who can communicate and interact with each other.

Game highlights

1. The player in the game has a very high degree of freedom, and the player can freely explore the map in the game.

2. The players of Cornelica in Nightmare Street will face many endings, and each outcome will not disappoint you.

3. There are many different endings in the game that players can trigger to experience different games.

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3dm mobile game network provides you with the mobile game of Cornelica in Nightmare Street. Welcome to remember our website. 3dm mobile game network is the best website for you to download Android mobile game app!

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Screenshot of the game
  •  Screenshot of Kernelika mobile game app on Nightmare Street
  •  Screenshot of Kernelika mobile game app on Nightmare Street
  •  Screenshot of Kernelika mobile game app on Nightmare Street
  •  Screenshot of Kernelika mobile game app on Nightmare Street
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