| Community workers

Quality courses are customized

Rich curriculum system, there is always one suitable for you

    • Series:
    • Shetu Strict Selection Series
    • Community road leading series
    • In-service series
    • More>
    • "Strict selection of social travel" series courses - pre-sale price

      299 - 599
      Limited time special : Only left until the end of the activity twelve day twelve : twelve : twelve
      Sign an agreement
      599 yuan course, after the interview, apply for the interview agreement course
      Enjoy 1000 yuan interview course discount
    • Community road leading series

      Community live broadcast course arrangement

      (OAO) "Community road first" whole line breaking team - no foundation

      Written examination: 97 class hours live broadcast+200 class hours video

      Stage 1: Online school version course: 200 hours

      Stage 2-5: Special [Lecture] - general practice: 81 live broadcasts/recordings

      Stage 6: Test question detection experiment class over the years: 16 live broadcasts/; Recording and broadcasting

      Stage 7: Post announcement written examination face-to-face courses (annual students can choose 3 announced courses)

      Stage 8: Intensive interview class [face-to-face teaching]

      3800 - 9800
      Limited time special : Only left until the end of the activity twelve day twelve : twelve : twelve
      Sign an agreement
      Single announcement:
      3800 yuan first, 5800 yuan after passing the exam
      9800 yuan, 8000 yuan refunded if not employed
      Announcement not issued/qualification not passed 9000 yuan

      Annual study (3 announcements): 4800 yuan first, 6000 yuan after passing the exam

      (OAO) "Community road first" key blasting team - basic

      Written examination: 34 class hours live broadcast+200 class hours video

      Stage 1: Online school version course: 200 hours

      Stage 2-5: special [practice] - general practice: 18 live broadcasts

      Stage 6: Test question detection experiment class over the years: 16 live broadcasts

      Stage 7: Post announcement written examination face-to-face courses

      Stage 8: Intensive interview class [face-to-face teaching]

      2000 - 7800
      Limited time special : Only left until the end of the activity twelve day twelve : twelve : twelve
      Sign an agreement
      [Delivery before supplement]
      2000 yuan in advance,
      Pay 5800 yuan after passing the exam

      7800 yuan
      RMB 6800 will be refunded if not employed
      RMB 7000 will be returned if the announcement is not issued
    • (OAO) "Social Path First" On the job Excellence Class

      Written examination: 81 class hours live broadcast+200 class hours video

      Stage 1: Online school version course: 200 hours

      Stage 2: Special [Lecture] - general practice: 81 live broadcasts/recordings

      Stage 3: Intensive interview class [face-to-face teaching]

      four thousand and eight hundred
      Limited time special : Only left until the end of the activity twelve day twelve : twelve : twelve
      Sign an agreement
      4800 yuan, full day reading
      RMB 3800 will be refunded if the written examination fails
      RMB 3800 will be refunded if the interview is not passed
      RMB 4000 will be refunded if the announcement is not made

      Special live broadcast class of "social road first" [Lecture]

      Special 【 Lecture 】 - Law: 12 live broadcasts

      Special 【 Lecture 】 - illegal: 18 live broadcasts

      Special 【 Lecture 】 - community social workers: 18 live broadcasts

      Special 【 Lecture 】 - Writing: 12 live broadcasts

      [The above four subjects, single subject: 1680 yuan; General: 3800 yuan]

      1680 - 3800
      Limited time special : Only left until the end of the activity twelve day twelve : twelve : twelve

      "Community Road First" Special Live Class [Practice]

      Special [Practice] - Law: 4 live broadcasts

      Special [Practice] - illegal: 4 live broadcasts

      Special [Practice] - community social workers: 4 live broadcasts

      Special [Practice] - Writing: 6 live broadcasts


      two thousand eight hundred and eighty
      Limited time special : Only left until the end of the activity twelve day twelve : twelve : twelve

Examination announcement

    Member of Zhonggong Online School

    Open now Minimum 68 yuan/year