Tomb Raider 9

December 29, 2022 • game Reading settings


I stayed in the game library for a long time until I was free
Recently, I also had a quick pass experience

Tomb Raider explores the story of the origin of Laura Crawford's nervousness and her growing process from a young woman to a strong survivor.

Introduction to the game

Introduction to Baidu Encyclopedia

Tomb Raider 9 (formerly: Tom Raider) is an action adventure game developed by Crystal Dynamics and released by Scoville Enix, which was released in 2013. The sequels are Tomb Raider: Rise and Tomb Raider: Shadow.

The focus of this work is the experience of the new Lara Croft. This time, the action heroine is abandoned. Players can see a more realistic image of the heroine in the game. Due to the upgrade of the engine, this work will have a better picture than previous works, and it is the most revolutionary work in the Tomb Raider series.

In addition, it should be noted that the Tomb Raider 9 and its sequel Lara are actually re opened. The previous eight Laras do not exist in this restart story, but some players who still miss the classic Lara think that the game is the prequel of the Tomb Raider series, which is a misunderstanding of the game's positioning. Crystal Dynamics said that the role of Laura has been completely rewritten, and it is impossible to be the same as the role of Laura in the previous eight films.

Game price

I still bought it from Steam. I bought it from Taobao for 11.44 yuan

minimum price

It shows that there are free gifts in each area. Favorite friends can collect and watch the activity push

Partial screenshots

Because it is fast pass

A lot of chapters are immersed in patterns. Not much screenshots are taken. Only part of them are retained

The game is mainly characterized by decryption, exploration, gunfight, rock climbing, etc. It is still highly playable

Many people also say that the game is short, compact and playable, which is considered as an experience version

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The story line is related to Japan. It says that what ability does a Japanese empress want to live forever
Then a woman is asked to be a body, because the soul is still in the corrupt body
So there's a storm controlling the whole island

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This is the story of rock climbing

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The plot is that Laura killed the whole queen

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And finally left the whole island
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I couldn't resist it for a few days, but I still wanted to collect all of them

Many collected tips found online really experience different feelings

100% full collection

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In fact, there are many recordable stories

It takes 5-6 hours to complete Fast Pass. There are still many explorations

Still want to play the other two films Rise and Shadow

The game sets shooting as a first second experience

Last edited on: January 1, 2023
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  1.  Assam Assam

    Fortunately, Epic caught up with @ (funny) when he gave away the trilogy for free

    1. @Assam I've got all the gifts of envy

  2. I have passed all the Tomb Raider Trilogy. I really like this series~

    1. @Heart Moon Cloud mogul

  3. Unfortunately, the computer is too lame to carry

    1. @Waste Writer Ten years ago, you said you could not move the game @ (sweat)