Shennongjia transportation network Shennongjia traffic safety equipment Shennongjia marker post Xichang Highway Sign Pile Manufacturer, Recruitment Agency Free release of marker peg information

Xichang Highway Sign Pile Manufacturer, Recruitment Agency

Updated on: 2024-07-03 01:26:30 No.: 218630702
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Xichang Highway Sign Pile Manufacturer, Recruitment Agency

Promote the comprehensive and accelerated development of rural roads The central government and Shaanxi Province regard the development of rural roads as one of the important infrastructure for rural public services Basically eliminate the "oil sand return" of village roads

The reporter from Nandu learned from the Provincial Department of Transportation that Guangdong Provincial Expressway plans to invest about 258 billion yuan in 2018-2020 to build 92 projects, including Shenzhen China Channel, Wuhan Shenzhen Expressway (Renhua Boluo Section), Yulin Zhanjiang Expressway, Shantou Zhanjiang Expressway (Huizhou Yunfu Section), and basically build the Guangdong section of the national expressway. All the trunk lines in the province will be connected to the neighboring provinces (regions) There are more than 5 expressways between the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong and Macao, 6 expressways between the Pearl River Delta core area and Hong Kong and Macao, 3 expressways between the Pearl River Delta core area and East Guangdong, 6 expressways between the Pearl River Delta core area and West Guangdong, and 9 expressways between the Pearl River Delta core area and North Guangdong, with a total mileage of 11000 kilometers, which will continue to maintain the nationwide traffic.

Among them, the Pearl River Channel deserves attention. The expressway network in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area is as dense as water, but the traffic arteries connecting the east and west sides are always insufficient. At present, the congestion of Humen Bridge, a bridge across the river, is normal, and traffic control must be implemented on holidays.

In May this year, the two main bridges of Humen Second Bridge were completed, which makes the project expected to be completed and opened to traffic in the first half of next year. The design flow of Humen Second Bridge is 20000 more than that of Humen Bridge, and the average daily standard traffic flow will reach 100000. It can be predicted that after the completion of Humen Second Bridge, the busy traffic condition of Humen Bridge will be significantly improved.

In addition to the Humen Second Bridge, the river crossing channel connecting the east and west sides of the Pearl River has also been built. In June this year, the Shenzhong Channel successfully signed the contract for the construction of the immersed tube tunnel, marking another breakthrough in the construction of the immersed tube tunnel of the Shenzhong Channel after the commencement of the steel shell test section, which means that the construction of the immersed tube tunnel of the Shenzhong Channel project has started.

According to the plan, the total construction period of the immersed tunnel project of the Shenzhong Channel is 64 months, and the prefabrication of pipe joints will start in September 2019. It is expected that the conditions for opening to traffic will be met in July 2023. The whole line of the Shenzhong Channel is expected to be completed and open to traffic in 2024. The Shenzhen China Channel will become a strategic channel for the transportation integration construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.

Thereafter, there will also be the Lianhua Mountain Channel under planning, which will also become an important channel connecting the two sides of the Pearl River. According to the provincial transportation plan during the 13th Five Year Plan period, Guangdong will build a "12312" transportation circle: the Pearl River Delta will arrive within one hour, the Pearl River Delta will be accessible to cities in eastern, western and northern Guangdong in about two hours, the surrounding provincial capitals will be accessible in about three hours, and Guangdong will be accessible to major cities in 12 hours.

Port shipping Guang'ao port area channel phase II will be completed next year

In the middle of July, the Letter of Guangdong Provincial Department of Transport on the Reply to the Proposal 20180201 of the 12th CPPCC Guangdong Provincial Conference mentioned that Guangdong will integrate provincial and municipal state-owned port assets within 14 coastal cities and Foshan City by region, with Guangzhou Port Group and Shenzhen Port Group (incorporated within Shenzhen City) as the two main bodies.

The Pearl River Channel has always been the "guarantee" for the economic development of the Pearl River Delta. Previously, many ports experienced homogenized competition, and it is expected to achieve resource integration later.

The reply letter also proposed to unite Hong Kong and Macao, expand opening up, and jointly build an international shipping hub in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. Focusing on Guangzhou Port and Shenzhen Port, actively cooperate with Hong Kong Port, strengthen the cooperation of Pearl River Estuary Bay Area port group, constantly improve the collection and distribution system, promote the construction of railways, roads and ports connected with the Free Trade Zone, and build a comprehensive transportation system for the boundary piles of the road manufacturers in the Bay Area.

In the document issued by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the port channel to be built in Guangdong in recent years is mentioned. The Guang'ao Port Area Channel Phase II Project, with a total investment of 225 million yuan, will renovate 6110 meters of channel to meet the one-way channel of 100000 ton container ships. It is expected to be completed next year.

Several port projects in the coastal zone will also be constructed, including the breakwater project of the public wharf on the east bank of the Great South Sea of Jieyang Port, the public approach channel project on the east bank of the Great South Sea of Jieyang Port, the expansion and upgrading project of the Beijiang (Wushi Sanshuihekou) channel, the expansion and upgrading project of the Beijiang (Shaoguan Wushi) channel, the reconstruction project of the Lianshiwan Shiplock, the reconstruction and expansion project of the 300000 ton channel of Zhanjiang Port Yangjiang Port Approach Channel Reconstruction Project will be completed in the next four years. The "one center, two poles and two fulcrums" proposed in the Comprehensive Development Plan of Guangdong Coastal Economic Belt (2017-2030) is advancing step by step in port layout.


The documents issued by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission mentioned the port and waterway to be built in Guangdong in recent years. The Guang'ao Port Area Channel Phase II Project, with a total investment of 225 million yuan, will renovate 6110 meters of channel to meet the one-way channel of 100000 ton container ships. It is expected to be completed next year.


Dawan District Airport

Each division of labor has its own emphasis

There has also been a lot of good news recently in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, which forms the air transport network. In April, the second terminal of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport was put into use. In early July, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission responded to Qiu Chen and other provinces' suggestions on promoting Shenzhen Hong Kong Huizhou connectivity under the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area by synthesizing the opinions of the provincial Department of Transport and other departments, and made it clear that Huizhou Airport is positioned as the second airport of Shenzhen.

The recent airport construction and positioning update also indicates that the airport aviation layout in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area is accelerating "restructuring". Huizhou Airport has resumed flights for more than three years, and the passenger throughput in 2017 was nearly one million person times. A voice pointed out that it is very necessary for Shenzhen to plan a second airport, but Shenzhen has no land to build a second airport. Huizhou is close to Shenzhen, and it can also radiate east Guangdong, Heyuan and other places, so Huizhou Airport is a good choice.

According to the previous 13th Five Year Plan for Guangdong's transportation, Guangdong will build a "5+4" airport pattern, that is, the Pearl River Delta region should base on the goal of building a city cluster, speed up the construction of airport clusters as a support, and build five major airports in Guangzhou Baiyun, Shenzhen Bao'an, Zhuhai Jinwan, Huizhou, and the Pearl River Delta Shinkansen Airport; Four airports will be built in eastern, western and northern Guangdong, namely, Jieyang Chaoshan, Zhanjiang, Shaoguan and Meixian.

The site selection of Shinkansen Airport is preliminarily determined. Huizhou Airport is determined to be the second airport in Shenzhen. In addition to Hong Kong and Macao International Airport, the layout of the seven airports in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area is more "integrated", with different emphasis on the division of labor. For example, Baiyun Airport has become an international aviation hub airport, and will further build an international air passenger and cargo transport network covering the airport; Shenzhen Bao'an Airport strengthened the function of regional aviation hub airport; Huizhou Airport serves as the second airport in Shenzhen; The new highway manufacturer's boundary pillar trunk airport cooperates with Baiyun Airport in transportation.


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Company Profile

Hebei Zhufeng Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of insulated rubber pads, insulated rubber plates, power room rat guards, marker posts, marker bricks, safety signs, traffic signs, power safety tool cabinets, insulated benches, insulated platforms, insulated operating poles, pull bars, safety fence series, deicing tools, high and low voltage electroscopes, grounding wires, grounding rods Insulating gloves, insulating shoes, power cable protection tubes, bird repellents, bird repellents, safety warning belts, helmets, safety belts, distribution boxes, power construction tools series, power fittings series, flood control sandbags, water absorption expansion bags and other products. It is a professional manufacturer of power safety tools integrating design, production, sales and service.

Tips: Xichang Highway Sign Pile Manufacturer, Recruitment Agency The description text and pictures shall be uploaded and released by users themselves, and the authenticity and legality of them shall be in the charge of the publisher.
  • Railway marker post, insulating rubber mat, safety tool cabinet, flood control sandbag
  • Chang'an District Autumn Garden

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Ren Qianqian: eighteen billion nine hundred and thirty-one million eight hundred and eighty thousand one hundred and fifteen Let the seller contact me