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Let go and let your children go

[Source: eLearning Update Time: 2024-05-23
 Let go and let your children go

The Importance of Child Training


Most parents agree with the importance of tempering for children's growth, but when it's their turn, they seldom give them the opportunity to temper. This is a mistake in educational behavior. Through two examples, we can better understand this point of view.

Example 1: Children adapt to boarding school

A little boy was sent to a boarding school. He expressed dissatisfaction and wanted to go home. But his mother insisted on taking him to school. Although the child was depressed at the beginning, as time went on, he gradually adapted to school life. What would happen if my mother gave up because of sympathy?

Example 2: The growth experience of scholars

A young scholar recalled his growing experience. He lived in hardship at the seaside and began to do housework at the age of 5. It was this hard life that tempered his will and laid the foundation for him to be a man. He studied hard at school, got excellent grades, and finally got a doctor's degree.

Interpretation of famous sayings

The above two examples remind me of a famous saying of Mencius: "When the sky is about to place a great task on people like this, they must first work hard, strain their bones, starve their skin, empty their body, and act disorderly. Therefore, they should be patient and strengthen their abilities." This remark emphasizes that to let a person take on a heavy task, they must experience training and tiredness to stimulate their ambition and endurance.

The Importance of Tempering to Human Growth

Face difficulties and setbacks

Tempering means facing all kinds of difficulties and setbacks and trying to overcome them. This requires both physical and mental effort. In this process, people will understand the basic principles of being a man and realize that success and progress can only be achieved through hard work and hardship. As the ancient poem said: "Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold."

In depth practice

Tempering also needs to face practical problems and solve one specific problem after another through practice. This requires both knowledge and ability. In practice, people will learn a lot of things they didn't know before and can also do things they didn't do before. As knowledge grows, so does ability. As the ancients said, "The paper is always shallow, and you must practice it."

Why are there few opportunities for children to exercise?

Cherish the child

Parents love their children and feel that their love is not enough, and they are unwilling to let their children suffer. This is what we call "emotion dilutes reason". In addition, parents often worry that their children are far away from themselves to go through the ordeal, or that they are ill or in danger. However, in many cases, children themselves are willing to participate in the collective exercise, and they are eager to grow and exercise themselves.

How to provide opportunities for children to exercise?

Multiple ways

In addition to summer camps, winter camps and social practices organized by schools and social organizations, hiking, mountain climbing, regular sports activities, difficult labor, independent problem solving, self-care life and so on, children are all ways to get tempered. The key lies in parents' awareness and determination.

Celebrity Quotes

Mr. Zhu Ziqing once said, "Let children run on the right road. Don't let them stay under the wings of an old hen like chickens. It's hopeless all their lives." This sentence warned parents to let children temper themselves, get out of their comfort zone, and move towards the path of growth. Conclusion: Exercise is very important for children's growth. It can enable them to face challenges, develop their endurance and willpower, and let them learn more knowledge and skills in practice. Although parents will be worried and distressed, we need to understand that providing opportunities for children to hone is for their growth and self-reliance. We should believe that children can shoulder this responsibility.