Consumer operation platform EasyCDP
The consumer operation platform is an enterprise level customer automation operation solution. By combining NetEase's powerful data processing capabilities, agile development capabilities and intelligent marketing capabilities, it effectively helps enterprises achieve omni channel user private domain data integration, accurate user customer insight, and automated intelligent marketing, So as to realize the closed-loop of data driven global intelligent marketing.

Digital+intelligent dual engines to realize consumers' refined operation

Brand traffic is easy to drain and difficult to transform, and customer loyalty decreases
Pain point description Private domain traffic platforms are complex, it is difficult to introduce external traffic, brand traffic is easy to drain and difficult to transform, and the cost is high. Consumers are scattered in various consumption channels at the front end, with low customer loyalty and weak brand perception
Scheme and features Through mature products to help customers quickly build consumer operating platforms, it can effectively reduce the threshold for building private platforms, help enterprises get through the brand wide traffic data, including user data such as We Media, advertising, interaction, trading, after-sales, etc., based on consumer data analysis and mining, manage media launch data, refine automatic purchase and program launch, Improve customer experience and ROI of brand consumer operation
Decentralized operation/marketing data, unable to enable omni channel customer operation
Pain point description The internal business data of the enterprise is scattered, and the marketing data is distributed in various consumer channels. The growth of each business unit encounters a bottleneck, but the consumer flow between them cannot be shared, and customer data does not interact, forming an information island
Scheme and features Integrate the whole domain user data at the front and rear end of the brand, build a consumer operation platform, plan the customer label and consumer operation model system from the dimensions of data collection enhancement, data asset precipitation, data application and distribution, and run through all business units of the brand to enable good operation of all business terminals
Consumer behavior insight is difficult, and operation efficiency is low
Pain point description It is difficult to link consumer insight and refined operation tools within the enterprise, and the operation efficiency is low. It is urgent to direct the consumer insight results in data analysis to the brand refined operation tools, so as to achieve high-precision marketing reach
Scheme and features Based on the global consumer data insight analysis and portraits, focusing on the brand consumer life cycle, combined with brand equity and key business indicators, it provides accurate marketing programs and convenient visual marketing tools at key time nodes, and truly realizes the refined operation of brand consumers

Product advantages

Omni channel data fusion
With rich multi-channel data integration capability and experience, guided data platform products can support flexible docking with mainstream social platforms, brand internal systems and other data sources, laying a data asset foundation for consumer operation platforms
Accurate insight of consumers
Integrate the label application system with agile data asset output across the brand, quickly produce brand labels based on business needs, including consumer labels, commodity labels, store labels, marketing labels, etc., improve data processing capabilities based on platform analysis algorithms, and improve the efficiency of crowd exploration and crowd selection
Brand data appreciation
Based on consumer insight data, output operation models around the whole life cycle of consumers, such as RFM model, AIPL model, etc., improve the value-added of brand data, and enable each business unit
Coverage of global marketing scenarios
The platform covers a variety of marketing scenarios such as new customer acquisition and repeat purchase of old customers. The marketing personnel can flexibly set the crowd segmentation and marketing plan, use the platform's rich content marketing tools and crowd strategies, refine the operation of brand consumers, and truly improve customer consumption experience and satisfaction
Typical scenario
Marketing recommendation
Function introduction
Private domain traffic is an effective channel to reduce traffic costs and conduct refined operations. Help enterprises integrate online (official WeChat, applet, self built shopping malls, e-commerce platforms, etc.) and offline marketing data (activities, crowds, behaviors, stores, etc.) through consumer operation platforms, form private domain data asset centers for enterprise members, and continuously expand the flow pool through omni channel data access and rich expansion capabilities
Scenario Example
User behavior analysis, marketing data analysis, and launch data analysis
Label market+group management+portrait analysis
Function introduction
Based on the analysis theory of "user" and "method", build "crowd insight analysis", realize 360 degree user profile, and help improve the conversion rate of traffic. Based on the individual or ⼈⼈⼈⽴⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈⼈120
Scenario Example
Crowd circle selection and crowd exploration
Fine operation of members
Function introduction
Set different marketing strategies and processes for different groups, and automate marketing according to the specified group, time, content, channel, etc., so as to easily create the whole marketing process of thousands of people and thousands of faces, bring additional sales to the brand, reduce unnecessary marketing costs, and quickly improve ROI
Scenario Example
Member life cycle management and member value analysis
Marketing plan configuration
Function introduction
Different marketing content combinations are set up for different groups of people to make marketing "vary from person to person", help enterprises quickly lock in customers and raise barriers to consumer turnover. By combining different content marketing tools and marketing contacts, we can achieve accurate communication plans and event marketing for different groups, flexibly meet the needs of front-line operations and management, and help business personnel carry out operational activities efficiently
Scenario Example
Marketing activity planning, member communication, user activity planning

Core competence

Agile data integration and development capability
Support data integration, batch table creation, flow control and other functions of multiple heterogeneous data sources; Support SQL node, MR and other data development modes, support physical isolation of development and production modes, and better realize data integration
Function example
ID-Mapping User behavior monitoring Marketing data detection Launch data tracking
Flexible label application and management capability
Provide one-stop label management and label application platform. It provides a complete label view for developers and business personnel, supports drag and drop custom label development capabilities, and more accurately meets the needs of crowd selection and crowd amplification
Function example
Custom Label Label management Data analysis
Agile member data analysis capability
Rich member analysis templates quickly help users to gain insight into member information; Provide rich visual chart components, drag and click operations, easily complete personalized data analysis and exploration, and realize data driven operation
Function example
Member level management Membership rights management Member points management Member data analysis
Rich marketing task allocation capability
Visual configuration of marketing plans, support for complex personalized service scenarios and task script settings, preset rich content marketing tool choices, realize the ever-changing marketing, and help business personnel carry out consumer operation activities
Function example
Automatic marketing template configuration Card management Custom Label User clustering

Benchmarking User Application Practice

Shell Oil
Problems faced by customers
In today's lack of flow, a large number of internal flow data of the service station cannot be settled and effectively used. Brand consumers have traditional operation methods, and lack more accurate data insight and effective operation tools to help the service station improve its performance.
Our solution
Build a full link data asset platform of Shell Petroleum, deeply integrate with the internal system, establish a consumer label analysis model and customer operation index model of Shell, set different marketing strategies and processes for different groups based on the analysis of global data and the actual business of the service station, and effectively improve the operation efficiency and ROI.
Customer income
The establishment of the full link data asset platform of Shell Petroleum has improved the brand consumer operation system and enabled the operators from the brand to the service station to improve their operation ability; Through the establishment and operation of the platform, performance indicators and ROI have been improved.