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How to do the inside and outside drainage of Dunhuang online merchants

Source: Dunhuang
label: The Dunhuang website leads to cross-border e-commerce platform

   1、 Access to traffic through in station activities

   1. Platform activities:

It mainly includes industry activities, platform promotion activities and various sections of the station. Merchants can report relevant products through the activity registration entrance of the store. The industry will recommend the best products to various activities and sections. Merchants can also actively contact industry colleagues through industry groups to recommend advantageous products.

  2. Store activities:

Merchants can operate by themselves, mainly including group competition, full store discount, limited time and quantity, full store discount, smart coupons and store coupons, full store discount, shopping cart marketing, etc. Merchants can set the specific requirements of each activity, or click the "more store activity help" in the upper right corner to understand the rules and operating methods of each activity.

  2、 Off station channel media access traffic

Off site traffic: mainly from CPS, Google, Facebook, SEO channel promotion

   1. Google shopping channel

Google shopping advertising form:

Google shopping in Publish product information on. Product information is displayed to users who search on Google shopping and Google in the form of pictures, words and prices.

When users search for products in the interface, your product ads will appear on the page. By clicking the product image displayed by Google, users will directly jump to your product page to purchase.

   2. Facebook Channel

What else can the seller do besides requiring that the product not infringe?

1) The first thing buyers see when promoting this channel is the picture of the product. The quality of the picture of the product is very important, so high-quality, exquisite, high-definition scene pictures, model pictures, product pictures, and small videos will be more popular. It is recommended that you upload a highly transmissible video product with the first picture, which may be accidentally forwarded by consumers.

2) According to the channel characteristics, the products should be sold at the beginning of each sale, free shipping, high quality evaluation, etc

3) This channel is more suitable for buyers who prefer some new, strange and fashionable products.

   3. Alliance channel

The merchant's background registers independently. The promotion commission of the alliance is currently calculated according to the proportion set in advance by the merchant

Activity details and operation guide:

One click intelligent launch can be carried out for all products in the store, or a separate commission plan can be set for the products, or the launch suspension can be operated, and the launch effect can be viewed by clicking "Effect Report".

   4. SEO channel

Improve the ranking of website pages in search engines through internal and external website optimization, so as to obtain natural traffic and bring sales and brand promotion. Merchants can improve their ranking in search engines through store and product optimization. Products mainly refer to optimization of product titles, keywords, product selling points, and details. For details, please refer to the product optimization link.

  5. Online red with goods

Link to global online celebrities, provide you with customized traffic solutions, and let you sit on the ocean traffic express

Online celebrity application order

1) Sample area - sample application

Click the application details to view the online celebrity information. The sellers who meet the requirements of the sellers can pass, and those who do not meet the requirements can not pass.

2) For the order without problems, the seller should confirm it and fill in the delivery record.

3) For orders that have received samples, online celebrity will confirm receipt, or our salesperson will urge online celebrity to confirm receipt

Online celebrity customization task

1) Traffic zone - online celebrity marketing system - online celebrity customization task - view details - apply for cooperation

2) Precautions when applying for cooperation:

a. Please fill in the seller's contact information to facilitate online celebrities to communicate with the buyer in time when encountering problems;

b. When applying for cooperation, select whether to provide samples. When necessary, "select goods" will be automatically synchronized and added to

Samples of online red system; You can choose two modes, namely, the seller actively provides or let online celebrities apply;

Confirm the delivery time. For logistics reasons, it is recommended to set the delivery time as 30 days;

If you have ideas or requirements for the product or promotion content, you can fill in the requirements in the blank;

3) Submit the order after filling in all the contents. Please check the submitted order in the online celebrity customized order

4) After the order is submitted, the online celebrity needs to confirm whether to promote cooperation. If the online celebrity confirms cooperation, the order will be paid;

Note: You must wait for the online celebrity to confirm before paying the order

5) When it is confirmed that there is no problem in cooperation and the order is paid, it is time for online celebrity to upload. When online celebrity receives the sample, it will be promoted

Remark: Make sure to check and accept again!!!

  6. On site advertising

The product automatic advertisement consists of three dimensions: advertisement plan, advertisement group and advertisement product, and the data Kanban function is added. The seller can customize the goods, click to bid and launch scenarios, and the system will perform keyword matching and automatic launch. Sellers can set up multiple advertising plans and advertising groups, so as to establish diversified marketing plans. Product automatic advertising process

   7. Huitou Advertising

At present, it is mainly promoted through Google's traffic products. Through traffic zone> With the introduction of Huitou advertising system, there are two types of Huitou advertising: shopping advertising and transformation advertising

Shopping advertisements are more inclined to sales transformation, and are more likely to attract consumers who are already inclined to purchase such goods. Recommend small or inexperienced sellers to launch, the effect is more direct, when the launch for a period of time and the order is issued, it is recommended to convert into advertising.

The display channels of Google Smart Shopping SSC include search, display, youtube and gmail, which can automatically bid and automatically locate the appropriate advertising display location. It is more suitable for businesses with operation experience and long-term stable launch.

Release data report monitoring

In addition, businesses can also register their own accounts to launch advertisements outside the site, especially the products are suitable for social type website marketing and promotion, such as online celebrity promotion, which is now in a good trend, and you can actively try.


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