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He Xiaopeng Welcomes Tesla FSD to China

Type: [Original] Author: Zhong Guancun Online Zhou Xun Date: April 30, 2024 05:21:58
Original address: http://tv.zol.com.cn/868/8688633.html

According to media news, He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xiaopeng Auto, said publicly on his social media, "I welcome Tesla's FSD technology to China. They are representatives of new quality productivity, and we should support technology diversification and the flourishing market."

He Xiaopeng stressed that Tesla has significant advantages in automatic driving technology and brand influence. He believes that only when more high-quality products and technologies enter the market can we promote the progress of the whole industry, bring more high-quality experiences to consumers, and thus promote the benign development and sustained growth of the market.

 He Xiaopeng Welcomes Tesla FSD to China

He Xiaopeng also mentioned that China is actively promoting the opening policy and the development of new quality productivity. In his opinion, whether it is Tesla's FSD, Xiaopeng's NGP or other competitors' NOA, they are typical representatives of new quality productivity and deserve our support and encouragement.

In addition, He Xiaopeng also predicted that the emergence of large-scale technology models will probably accelerate the landing speed of unmanned driving technology, at least three years in advance. He believes that fully automated driving will be one of the best commercial application scenarios for the landing of large-scale technical models.

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