Qixia: Summer Rain Runs the Earth; Iris Flowers Open Romantically


Qilu · Lightning News, May 12 In the early morning of December 12, a light rain moistened the earth in Taocun Town, Qixia City, and the air after the rain was particularly fresh. In Chenjiazhuang Village, Taocun Town, romantic iris bloomed romantically, like a graceful and mysterious dancer in nature. Iris petals are like open fans and delicate butterfly wings. They are light and elegant, dark purple, light blue, pure white... Each color exudes unique charm, and the fragrance of flowers will also drift with the wind, making people relaxed and happy.

Lightning journalist Hao Aiyin, Tao Xiaodong, intern reporter Wang Weiyi, correspondent Liu Ku, Jiang Xiaojing, Liu Xiaofeng, reported

Source: Flash News
Edit: Hao Aiyin
Editor in charge: Zhu Xunzhuang
Reviewed by: Tong Guoqiang
Editor in Chief: Zhang Xiaobo
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