The South China Sea Institute of the Chinese Academy of Water Sciences successfully held an international academic exchange conference on sustainable fishery development in the surrounding countries of the South China Sea

Source: China Academy of Fishery Sciences 2024-05-15 12:06:03

Recently, the South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences held an international academic exchange meeting on the sustainable development of fisheries in the surrounding countries of the South China Sea in Fangchenggang City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. With the theme of "management, conservation and sustainable use of marine fishery resources in the context of climate change", the conference aims to build a normalized modern fishery science and technology cooperation and exchange platform, promote China to share and exchange marine fishery development ideas, management experience and innovative achievements with countries around the South China Sea, and better promote the green and high-quality development of regional fisheries.
At the opening ceremony, Liu Xinzhong, Director of the Fishery and Fishery Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Cui Guohui, President of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Zhang Hong, Counsellor of the Department of Border and Marine Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pan Zhandong, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and Chen Rongmao, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Fangchenggang delivered separate speeches.
Director Liu Xinzhong pointed out that China has always attached great importance to fisheries cooperation with countries around the South China Sea, and has conducted friendly consultations and close exchanges with countries around the South China Sea. China has carried out multi-level, wide-ranging and effective practical cooperation in fisheries industry, resource conservation and scientific and technological exchanges, which has effectively conserved fishery resources in the South China Sea and driven fishermen to increase their income and become rich. The academic exchange meeting will further consolidate the foundation of cooperation between China and countries around the South China Sea, expand relevant fishery cooperation fields, and promote fishery cooperation to a new level.
President Cui Guohui pointed out that fishery is an important industry in the countries around the South China Sea. In the context of global climate change, it also faces many practical problems. It is urgent to invest in scientific and technological innovation to improve its sustainability, efficiency and development resilience. He said that the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences looked forward to strengthening cooperation and exchanges in modern fishery science and technology with relevant countries, focusing on sustainable monitoring of marine fishery resources and ecological environment, protection of endangered aquatic animals and plants, migratory fish, comprehensive development and utilization of catches, and carrying out joint research, information and technology sharing, Jointly promote the sustainable output of marine fishery resources and ecosystem services, and constantly improve the added value of resources and products and reduce fishery losses on the basis of limited fishery development space.
More than 80 representatives from domestic and foreign government departments, international organizations, and fishery related education and research institutions attended the meeting online and offline. Fourteen fishery officials, experts and scholars from FAO Asia Pacific Office, China, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries focused on the management and conservation of marine fishery resources, the blue transformation of fishing fisheries and aquaculture, the impact of climate change on marine fish resources, the assessment of fishery resources proliferation and release, the protection of seaweed beds and marine fish Report on coral reef ecological restoration, marine ranch carbon sink, seaweed resources and industrial development, marine biological resources processing and utilization, new technology application of land-based mariculture and other topics, share innovative achievements, promote academic exchanges and seek sustainable development of fisheries.
After the conference, the participants were invited to participate in the 2024 Sino Vietnam Beibu Gulf Fisheries Resources Joint Breeding and Releasing Activity held at Beilun Estuary, Dongxing City, Fangchenggang.
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