Let every innovation vitality fully burst out -- Tianjin Chapter along the footprint of the General Secretary

China Youth Daily | 2022-05-24 07:17
Author: Hu Chunyan

This is the new look of Sino Singapore Tianjin Eco City (UAV photo) taken on April 14. Zhao Zishuo, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

If the column is opened

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has spared no pains to travel across mountains and rivers to visit people's conditions, check people's opinions, and ask people's livelihood. He has traveled all over the country, leaving warm and beautiful memories in the hearts of the people. From now on, our newspaper will open the column of "Following the Footprint of the General Secretary". Our reporter follows the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping's investigation and research in local areas since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, highlighting the concern, care and trust of General Secretary Xi Jinping for the growth of young people, and reflecting the dynamics and effectiveness, new development pattern and vivid practice of local cadres and people, especially young people, who have deeply studied, publicized and implemented the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping.


"High quality development depends on innovation, and our country's further development depends on independent innovation.", It is still fresh in our memory.

This is the second time since the 18th CPC National Congress that the General Secretary has come to Tianjin's innovation "outpost" - Binhai New Area. Innovation is one of his most concerned topics.

Standing in Tianjin Binhai Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park, the "experimental field" of Beijing Tianjin Hebei collaborative innovation, the General Secretary's words made everyone present excited - "Let everyone with innovation dreams focus on innovation, and let every innovation vitality fully burst out."

Modern China opened its industrial horizon from Tianjin. It sounds like a clarion call. Now in this land where many "firsts" were born in the history of national industry, innovation energy is gathering at an accelerated pace. People here plan to build Tianjin into an important source of independent innovation and a major source of original innovation in five years. The young generation here aims at a new historical position and strives to run on the track of accelerating innovation, which is becoming the engine of development.

Concentrate on innovation

A chip the size of a fingernail is like the "heart" of the information age. Feiteng team, the leader in the research and development of domestic independent core chips, has taken up the important task of "rising from the top to the top".

On January 17, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Tianjin Binhai Zhongguancun Collaborative Innovation Exhibition Center to watch the display of "Tianhe" series supercomputers, Feiteng chips, Kirin operating system, artificial intelligence distribution network live working robots and other products.

Dou Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Feiteng Information Technology Co., Ltd., and everyone in the team were greatly encouraged. More than a month later, Feiteng team determined the mission and direction of running on the new journey - "focusing on the core chips of information system to support national information security and industrial development".

At that time, it was a critical period for Feiteng to tackle the D2000, a new generation of eight core desktop processor. Ma Zhuo, then director of Feiteng's embedded CPU R&D department, led the R&D team to tackle the problem day and night for 340 consecutive days; Zhu Qingshan, a young backbone and senior manager of Feiteng Embedded R&D Department, took the lead in completing core technology research such as Ethernet controller design, SOC architecture design and system level soft emulation verification, and ensured the safe operation of national core key industry systems with hard core achievements.

In the journey of innovation, a group of young "core makers" have grown up. The research and development team with an average age of about 30 years old undertakes the research and development of domestic Feiteng series embedded and desktop processors. In less than two years, they have developed a number of new high-end domestic processors and put them into mass production. Now the single chip sales have exceeded 2 million pieces, breaking the record of domestic high-performance CPUs.

Driven by innovation, a number of key core technologies have made major breakthroughs. In 2021, Feiteng, Kirin Software, China Great Wall and China Electronics Cloud jointly released PKS industry solutions. At present, Feiteng CPU, Kirin operating system and the independent computing system "PKS system" of full process and full link three-dimensional security protection have been widely used in government, medical, energy, finance and other fields, and become the core foundation of China's independent innovation green computing information system.

More and more young scientific researchers have launched an attack on the world's scientific and technological frontier, and a large number of Tianjin versions of the "great power", such as the new generation of "Tianhe-3" supercomputing, Beidou SMS, and 12 inch monocrystalline silicon chips, have been unveiled.

Let the seeds of innovation take root

In May this year, Keweisha, a recombinant new crown vaccine developed by Concino Biology, officially passed the WHO emergency use certification. This is currently the only Chinese new crown vaccine with the third generation technology route certified by the WHO emergency use list.

Concino was born in Tianjin Binhai New Area. At that time, Rao Zihe, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and then president of Nankai University, was appointed as the first president of the Tianjin International Biomedical Joint Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as "the Institute"), the largest and world famous biomedical innovation industry base in China planned and constructed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Tianjin. Concino Bio is one of the first enterprises to settle in. "We are the first seed," said Zhu Tao, one of the founders and chief scientific officer of Concino Biology

In May 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Institute to watch the display of self-developed products, the analysis and testing center, the drug screening center, etc., and learn more about the research and development of major national innovative drug projects.

Zhou Zeqi, then vice president of the Academy, listened to the important speech of the General Secretary on the spot. The General Secretary pointed out that scientific and technological innovation is the strategic support for improving social productivity and comprehensive national strength, and must be placed at the core of the overall development. This makes Zhou Zeqi "unforgettable". He was a postdoctoral fellow of Harvard Medical School and returned to the motherland with a heart of serving the country. "From that moment on, I became more determined in scientific and technological innovation.".

Zhou Zeqi founded Dana (Tianjin) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., creating a road of independent innovation in the field of invasive fungal disease in vitro diagnosis. In this COVID-19 epidemic, Dana Biological's detection kit and other research projects have made contributions to the epidemic resistance.

The General Secretary pointed out during the inspection of the Institute: "We should give full play to the advantages of rich scientific and technological resources and numerous scientific and technological talents, build a highland of scientific and technological innovation, constantly improve the ability of original innovation, integrated innovation, introduction, digestion, absorption and re innovation, and promote the deep integration of science and technology and economy." Shen Yawen, chairman of the Institute, said that along this direction, In recent years, the Institute has made a series of efforts and innovations around innovation platform construction, enterprise cultivation and incubation, talent introduction and cultivation, drug research and development, etc.

At present, the Institute has built a comprehensive technology platform and public technology service system covering the whole chain of preclinical research of new drug research and development to provide "leading" innovative research and development services for the biomedical industry. In this "no wall" research institute, a large number of leading talents in the field of biomedicine have gathered, and new breakthroughs have been made in core technologies and key fields.

The Binhai New Area, once famous for "one machine" (Motorola pager) and "one bowl of noodles" (Master Kang instant noodles), is now standing at a new historical starting point. The biopharmaceutical industry has become one of the leading industries, and a number of leading biopharmaceutical enterprises are connecting the industry chain in the whole field.

Many innovative seeds take root and sprout in this fertile soil, and flourish.

Stick to the frontline of innovation and use practice to produce true knowledge

The scene of demonstrating the AI distribution network live working robot to the General Secretary three years ago was engraved in the mind of Zhang Liming, the monitor of the distribution emergency repair team of Tianjin Power Binhai Power Supply Company of the State Grid.

Zhang Liming, who has made many inventions with the innovative team of workers, proudly told the General Secretary that he has a secondary technical school education, has lifelong learning in his post, and recently became a front-line representative of the reform pioneer. The General Secretary praised him: "Practice gives us true knowledge. You have made contributions and also made innovative demonstrations."

The affirmation of the General Secretary ignited the innovation enthusiasm of this grass-roots worker. Zhang Liming sighed: "The General Secretary has pointed out the direction for us to stick to the frontline of innovation."

Since then, Zhang Liming and the staff of State Grid have worked hard in this direction. Now, they have iterated the live working robot to the fourth generation, realizing the localization and marketing of fully automatic and key parts. At present, it has been popularized and applied in 20 provinces, with an output value of 700 million yuan. The project was awarded the "First Prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress". Zhang Liming and his team continued to explore in the field of "intelligent+", and developed the first multi station automatic charging robot in the field of passenger vehicles in China.

Innovation in the field of smart energy has driven Tianjin, an important industrial town, to become more and more lightweight. Today, Tianjin has built two smart energy towns, and smart energy is integrated into all aspects of the town. Tianjin Port has "transformed" into the first "zero carbon wharf" in China; The first "near zero carbon" new energy vehicle charging station in China makes "green electricity" charging "green cars" a reality

What makes Zhang Liming even more gratified is that, with each innovative project, more and more young technical experts have come to the fore. They have wisdom, vitality and passion. More importantly, they have steadfastly stuck to the front line and sincerely guarded the lights of every family.

"If the General Secretary comes to Tianjin again, I want to show him our new generation of robots." Zhang Liming said that nowadays these distribution network live working robots not only go out of the laboratory and realize industrialization, but also build an industry standard to promote to the world, so that the world can see a China lit up by innovation.

Editor in charge: Li Lihong, Hui Ying, Jiao Minlong