Label archiving: Zabbix 5 automatic installation script

One click installation script of Zabbix Server 5

Zabbix One Click Installation Script

The Zabbix one click installation script is maintained for a long time. It supports highly customized, interactive, and multi version selection of multi technology stacks. Nginx/PHP/MySQL/MariaDB/Zabbix/Administrator/phpMyAdmin/Grafana can be installed as required, which is applicable to CentOS 7~8 systems with x86_64 bit architecture.

Installation mode : Nginx/Zabbix compilation and installation, MySQL/MariaDB binary installation, and Grafana rpm installation All installation packages are from the software official. In addition, since most of the official software is downloaded from foreign sources slowly, please ensure the SSH terminal connection status during the download.

Script Properties

  • Support Nginx-1.21 and Grafana-7.4;
  • Support selective installation of Zabbix Server/Agent;
  • Support multiple database versions (MySQL-8, MariaDB-10.5);
  • Support multiple PHP versions (PHP-7.4, PHP-8.0);
  • Support multiple database management tools (Adminer-4, phpMyAdmin-5);

Latest version (2022-04-18)

After connecting to your Linux server using the SSH connection tool, copy and execute the following command to start the installation:

 curl -O  && bash

Installation process description:

Information about Zabbix after installation:

  • Zabbix UI entry: http://IP/ui
  • Zabbix management platform account password: Admin/zabbix
  • Zabbix database/account/password: zabbix/zabbix/zabbix

Information about Grafana after installation:

  • Grafana installation using rpm
  • Grafana UI Portal: http://IP:3000
  • Grafana UI login account/password: admin/admin

Script Support Module

Module Name describe
enable-server Enable Zabbix Server
enable-agent Enable Zabbix agent
enable-proxy Enabling the Zabbix proxy can collect data on behalf of a single Zabbix server to share the load
enable-ipv6 Enable support for IPV6 protocol
enable-java Enable Zabbix Java gateway to support monitoring JMX applications
with-mysql Enable MySQL as the back-end storage database
with-iconv Enable transcoding, such as GBK to UTF-8, to prevent garbled codes
with-libcurl Components required to enable Web monitoring, VMware monitoring, and SMTP (mail sending)
with-libxml2 Enabling components required for VMware monitoring
with-ssh2 SSH checks are performed as agentless monitoring. The Zabbix Agent is not required for SSH check
with-openipmi Enable IPMI protocol to monitor server temperature, fan speed, etc
with-net-snmp Enable SNMP protocol to monitor printers, routers, UPS and other devices
The above modules have been automatically added and enabled in the compilation and installation of zabbix.

Application installation directory

Software name route explain
Nginx/PHP/MySQL/Zabbix /apps/server All ILNMP Application installation and data storage directory
Zabbix ConfigFile /apps/server/zabbix/etc Zabbix Server monitoring installation directory
Grafana Rpm installation mode path system default The configuration file is under/etc/

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