Label archiving: Domestic open source mirror station

2024 Excellent Open Source Image Station

Enterprise station
Tencent Cloud //
Alibaba Cloud //
Netease //
Huawei //
Capital Online //
Education station
Tsinghua University //
University of Science and Technology of China //
Beijing Jiaotong University //
Zhejiang University //
Official station
CentOS //
Ubuntu //
Archlinux //
Debian //
Fedora // mirrormanager /mirrors

Commonly used open source mirrors in 2017

The following mirror stations are fast in China. Some are not in China, but they are very practical

// open source image (recommended in China)
// 163 open-source mirror (recommended in China)
// open source mirror (domestic) //Centos official open source mirror (recommended abroad)
// Tianyi Cloud open source mirror station (domestic)

If the above common open source mirror stations cannot meet your needs, you can go to the official Centos recommendation to choose
