Update log

2024-02-07 ldnmp 1.0 release New

The installation of this version is more convenient and fast. After the installation requirements are met, a set of php environment can be deployed within a few minutes after startup;

Reconstruct the deployment mode with docker compose;
Upgrade PHP 8.3.2;
Upgrade Nginx 1.25.3;
Upgrade MySQL 8.3.0;
Optimize PhpMyAdmin to Administrator;
Optimize all installation methods and make them all containerized, so as to minimize the dependence and pollution on the host computer;
Removed support for Zabbix, MariaDB, and PhpMyAdmin, and added support for Administrator and MySQL 8;

Please refer to: https://renwole.com/ilnmp/install-ilnmp

2022-04-18 install_zabbix_v0.9.2 release

Upgrade PHP8.0.11;
Upgrade PHP7.4.24;
Upgrade Nginx 1.21.6;
Upgrade Zabbix5.4.12;
Upgrade MariaDB 10.5.15;
Optimize some codes;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/install_zabbix_v0.9.2.sh

2021-02-13 install_zabbix_v0.9.1 release

Upgrade PHP8.0.2;
Upgrade Zabbix5.2.4;
Add multiple versions of PHP7-8;
Increase the independent installation of each software;
Add Administrator database management tool;
Add Grafana service indicator analysis system;
Add the Zabbix Server/Agent option;
Optimize some codes;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/install_zabbix_v0.9.1.sh

2020-12-28 install_zabbix_v0.9 release

Optimize the installation mode of Zabbix to improve the deployment success rate;
Upgrade some application versions to support the latest PHP 8.0 and Zabbix 5.2.3;
Support the optional version of Zabbix database MySQL8/MariaDB;
Optimize some codes;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/install_zabbix_v0.9.sh

2020-06-28 install_zabbix_v0.8 release

Based on 2020-10-03 ilnmp 0.8 release;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/install_zabbix_v0.8.sh

2020-12-20 ilnmp 0.9 release

Upgrade Nginx to 1.19.6;
Upgrade PHP to 8.0.0;
Upgrade MySQL to 8.0.2;
Upgrade MariaDB to 10.5.8;
Upgrade phpMyAdmin to 5.0.4;
Optimize application download source and download fault tolerance mode;
Optimize the installation process of some software;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/ilnmp.sh

2020-10-03 ilnmp 0.8 release

Upgrade Nginx to 1.19.3;
Upgrade PHP to 7.4.11;
Upgrade MariaDB to 10.5.5;
Fix the failure of MySQL environment variables;
Optimize directory health check to avoid prompt errors caused by user-defined directories;
Optimize the system version judgment process to avoid installing additional dependent packages;
Add network detection function;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/ ilnmp_v0.8.sh

2020-07-16 ilnmp 0.7 release

Upgrade MariaDB 10.4.13 to MariaDB 10.5.4;
Upgrade MySQL 8.0.20 to MySQL 8.0.21;
Upgrade PHP 7.4.7 to PHP 7.4.8;
Upgrade libzip 1.7.1 to libzip 1.7.3;
Optimizing interactive prompts;
Optimize the error prompt;
Perfect code comments;
Reconstruct the health check status after installation;
Fix PHP variable exceptions;
Fix MySQL variable name errors;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/ilnmp_v0.7.sh

2020-06-30 ilnmp 0.6 release

Added MySQL/MariaDB multi version selection;
Added separate options for Nginx/PHP/MariaDB installation;
Split dependent packages to avoid installing useless dependent packages when installing a single application;
Refactoring code logic;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/ilnmp_v0.6.sh

2020-06-12 ilnmp 0.5 release

Update PHP7.4.6 to 7.4.7;
Update linzip 1.6.1 to 1.7.1;
Optimizing code;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/ilnmp_v0.5.sh

2020-06-10 ilnmp 0.4 release

Some codes are optimized and restructured to simplify code lines;
support CentOS 7.x
take Nginx MariaDB PHP phpMyadmin Update to the latest version (keep pace with the official);
Revision of software version naming;
Add PHP --with-ldap Parameters to support Zabiix UI Requirements for certification;

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/ilnmp_v0.4.sh

2020-05-31 ilnmp 0.3 release

Increase the ability of automatic repair of local network exceptions;
Optimize the download source and increase the (Tsinghua University software open source software library) download speed;
take pcre Upgrade to pcre2

Download address: https://renwole.com/sh/ilnmp_v0.3.sh

2020-05-24 ilnmp 0.2 release

Upgrade to modularized dependency processing;
increase libzip Independent construction;
Increase the initial optimization of the system;
Add health detection;

2020-05-01 ilnmp 0.1 release

Initial release;
The sampling test of 2C/2G/50G/SSD (Alibaba Cloud CentOS8. x 64)/Qingyun (CentOS 8. x 64) showed no abnormalities, and the whole deployment process took about 10 minutes;

Update log 》12 ideas

  1. zzz

    Repository fasttrack is listed more than once in the configuration
    Warning: Failed to load '/etc/yum.repos.d/LNMP+zabbix.repo', skipping.
    Warning: Failed to load '/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo', skipping.

  2. Oreo

    Note: The next version will be fully containerized, support high availability of middleware and other new features, and support offline deployment. Please wait!

    Boss, when can I download and experience the super works!

  3. Dr.KillLinux

    The download addresses of mysql and mariadb are invalid. The mirror station drops these two packages to manually modify them. Please update the script

  4. okds

    When installing the zabbixserver, the prompt is as follows
    configure: error: Unable to find “javac” executable in path
    make: *** No rule to make target `install’. Stop.
    Zabbix install Failed, Please Contact the author
    Nginx Start [OK]
    MariaDB is not installed
    MySQL Start [OK]
    PHP Start [OK]
    Zabbix Server is not installed
    Zabbix Agent is not installed
    Grafana Start [OK]


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