MySQL Community Server 8.0.26 official image source download

For Linux

NAME type date size
mysql-8.0.26.tar.gz Source Jul 1, 2021 271.4M
mysql-8.0.26-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.xz Binary Jul 1, 2021 872.4M
GLIBC – It is a GNU C library, and the binary file is built on GLIBC or higher version;
Source – You need to compile and install MySQL from the source code;
Binary – Binary file, which can be used after decompression;

For Windows

NAME type date size ZIP Binary Jul 1, 2021 208.2M
mysql-installer-community- MSI Package Jul 6, 2021 450.7M
ZIP Binary – Windows installation free version (i.e.: Binary file ), can be directly configured for use after decompression;
MSI Package – Windows MSI package with installation wizard interface.


NAME type date size
mysql-8.0.26-macos11-arm64.dmg dmg Aug 4, 2021 415.0M
mysql-8.0.26-macos11-x86_64.dmg dmg Jul 1, 2021 418.3M
Dmg – macOS software package with installation wizard interface.

Special instructions : All MySQL download addresses on this site are official image sources, which can be downloaded with confidence.

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