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Chapter I

Black elephant
Ding Qingman returned to the town on a sunny day at the beginning of the spring in March. It was three years ago since his grandfather died. There are privately operated buses between the county town and the towns, which can carry everything. As a result, it goes without saying that the common shoulder pole basket in the countryside, including the crowing of chickens, ducks and geese, and even the puppies bought in the market, is among them. Ding Qingman did not have any boredom or discomfort. Instead, she had an unprecedented sense of relaxation and joy lingering in her mind. She grew up in the villages and towns when she was young, and went to the city with her parents only after graduating from primary school. When I was a student, I would also come back to visit my grandpa and live for a period of time. But as you grow older, you will spend more and more time outside. Since you went to college, you can count the number of times you come back with one hand. The bus was driving on the only main road in the town, and it was staggering, and finally stopped at the door of an auto repair shop. Ding Qingman went down the stairs, stood at the roadside and looked around. After confirming the direction, he dragged two boxes to the left. After passing several stores, turn in from the path beside the Daxia Convenience Store. There are several self built houses on both sides of the path, and several rows of houses are located at the foot of the mountain in front of a farmland. There is a big banyan tree at the entrance of the village, standing as usual, and there are several wooden benches under the tree for daily rest and chatting. Ding Qingman drops two boxes and sits on the stool. I spent nearly half an hour brushing my mobile phone before I got up and dragged the box to the village. During the busy farming season, the village was very quiet. The barking of dogs and the chirping of chickens occasionally came from the stacked houses. When the cry for help sounded, it was like thunder on the ground, which was particularly harsh in the silence. Ding Qingman followed the sound and ran away. Not far away, an old man came out of the yard. He was in a panic. "Wenbo, what's the matter?" Ding Qingman asks. The old man doesn't seem to recognize her. She squints at her. Ding Qingman said, "It's me, Xiaoman, Ding Qingman." Wenbo thought to himself, "Oh, Xiaoman, your hair... Ouch, look at me. Grandma He fell, and I can't help her..." Ding Qingman crosses over Wen Bo and enters the yard. Wen Bo keeps talking after him: "She screams pain when I move, and I dare not pull hard..." Grandma He lies on the ground and sees Ding Qingman struggling to get up. Ding Qingman took two quick steps and squatted down: "Grandma He, do you feel any pain?" "Man Man, I seem to twist it. I can't move, and it hurts when I move." The voice sounds stable, but it shouldn't be too serious. But the old man is prone to hurt bones when he falls, so he still has to go to the hospital