
I want to get the result of this code:

 qreg_a = QuantumRegister (2) qreg_b = QuantumRegister (2) creg = ClassicalRegister (4) qc = QuantumCircuit(qreg_a,qreg_b,creg) qc.x(qreg_a[0]) qc.measure(qreg_a,creg[0:2]) qc.measure(qreg_b,creg[2:4]) simulator= BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') result = execute(qc, simulator).result() counts - result.get_counts(qc)

Quantum Lab has been discontinued. Where do I code this?


2 Answers two

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Google colab is one good option.

You will need to install Qiskit module(s) at the beginning, then you are ready:

 enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you so much for the help $\endgroup$ May 20 at 8:41

Once you have the .qasm, you can also upload it to the Classiq platform , and then run it on a simulator.

To create your .qasm file (qiskit version 1.1) you will also need to have 'qiskit-qasm3-import' installed. Than use the following code:

 from qiskit import * from qiskit.providers.basic_provider import BasicProvider import qiskit.qasm3 qreg_a = QuantumRegister (2) qreg_b = QuantumRegister (2) qc = QuantumCircuit(qreg_a,qreg_b) qc.x(qreg_a[0]) with open("my_first_circuit.qasm","w") as my_file: qiskit.qasm3.dump(qc,my_file)

Upload the .qasm file to :

 enter image description here

Then, press the "execute" button on the upper right hand side: enter image description here

Choose a simulator on the left hand menu: enter image description here

Press run, and you can get the histogram as well as download the results: enter image description here


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