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Monster AI Digital Man

Monster AI digital human products launched by Monster Intelligence Technology include holographic interactive digital human, 3D hyperrealistic interactive digital human, AIGC production, SaaS management and live broadcast service platform. The founding team comes from the monster intelligent big data platform


Real time interactive digital human live broadcast, intelligent interactive system, digital human short video creation


Services we provide


Digital human short video service

Through the Monster Digital Human platform, one click to generate copy, one click to select material, quickly generate short videos, and one click to publish them to the media platform.


Enterprise publicity and promotion services

Monster digital human platform, the enterprise's 7 * 24 assistant, develops strategies and content in an all-round way, effectively promotes and promotes, and improves brand exposure.


Digital human IP customization service

Customize the personalized and exclusive IP image, create IP stories, help the brand intellectualize and create brand influence.



Digital human live broadcast service

Personalized multi platform live broadcast can be carried out through the Monster Digital Human platform, supporting the 7 * 24 sunset mode, customizing the anchor image, and real-time interaction.


Digital human cloning service

Real person image cloning, creation of real person separation, reproduction of real person expression and action, realization of multi-dimensional interaction, and creation of exclusive digital person image.


Digital human promotion service

7 * 24 hours non-stop work, full media coverage, explanation and publicity of corporate culture and stories, improve promotion efficiency, increase corporate exposure, enhance brand awareness, and enhance interaction between enterprises and users.

data statistics

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