
ChatHub the latest version

An open source all-purpose chat robot client

Official edition No advertising four hundred and ninety-eight

Updated: May 25, 2023 Category label: Language: Chinese Platform:

ninety-four People have downloaded Mobile view

ChatHub, A browser plug-in based chatbot aggregation client, online aggregation ChatGPT and Bing Chat multi in one chatbot client, uses different chatbots in one application, and currently supports ChatGPT and the new Bing Chat Google Bard 、Claude、 IFLYTEK STAR and more than 10 open source models, including Alpaca, Vicuna, ChatGLM, etc., have conversations with multiple chat robots at the same time to facilitate comparison of their answers. However, free users can see two robots opened at the same time, and paying users can open multiple robots at the same time. Plug ins are open source

🧩 Open source address

📄 You can use different chat robots in one application, supporting ChatGPT, new Bing Chat, Google Bard and Claude (via Poe), and will integrate more robots in the future


▫️ Chat with multiple chat robots when answering at the same time to facilitate comparison of answers

▫️ Support ChatGPT API mode, which is faster and cheaper than ChatGPT Plus

▫️ Shortcut, which can quickly activate the application anywhere in the browser

▫️ Support Markdown, code highlighting and sharing

▫️ Prompt library for custom tips and community tips

▫️ Save dialog history locally, support importing and exporting all data

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