Cat scratch - video and audio resource sniffing tool

Cat scratch - video and audio resource sniffing tool 1.0.15

Very useful tool for sniffing and downloading media files

Official edition No advertising 3,057

Updated: January 1, 1970 Category label: Language: Chinese Platform:

98.3 K one hundred and forty-two People have downloaded Mobile view

Browser plug-in: Cat scratch

Official website address: Cat scratch – Chrome online application store (google. com)

Unable to download can use alternate address: Lan Chanyun

The plug-in will not be installed. Please refer to this article Browser plug-in/extension application installation method

Why do I recommend this plug-in? It can be seen from the score on the official website of Google Plug in and the number of users who install it. It is not my own advertising.

This is a browser plug-in developed by Chinese people. It can sniff video and audio files on almost all web pages, including video cache files, and has a very high download success rate,

Since it is developed based on the chrome API, the update of chrome may lead to the failure of video sniffing. The problem has been fixed.


The plug-in can add some media suffixes by itself, as follows:

After installing the plug-in, right click the browser plug-in icon to see the plug-in extension options


After opening, add an extension in the custom suffix crawl. The size limit can be left blank. Finally, drag it to the bottom and click Save Settings


For example, here I add a suffix in m4s format MIME type It doesn't matter. All video/audio formats are included.

The rest can be kept in the default settings. You have no special format media files to download, just leave them intact.

In addition to video sniffing, audio files can also be downloaded. For example, music platforms such as Netease Cloud and Yinyue Station are very convenient.

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