God class Chrome extension, which can be seen from thousands of miles away at the same time!

Efficiency tools Updated 4 years ago (2020) ifun
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Affected by the epidemic, the opening of public places such as cinemas may be a long way off. So, a foreign programmer with an open mind developed a Chrome extension that can synchronously play web videos.

Two people can watch a movie or video at the same time after installation , especially suitable for long-distance lovers and good friends to watch movies together. Current support Bilibili and other video websites.

The installation process is very simple. Only two browsers need to install the Chrome extension. After successful installation, take bilibili as an example:

Both AB parties open the same videos in the Bilibili station at the same time, click the extension icon, and then A clicks the button in the red box to generate a key and automatically copy it to the clipboard.

 God class Chrome extension, which can be seen from thousands of miles away at the same time!

▲ User A clicks to generate the key

At this time, user B receives the key just sent by user A, copies it to the input box, and then clicks START.

 God class Chrome extension, which can be seen from thousands of miles away at the same time!

User B enters the key sent by A and clicks START

This is the moment to witness miracles. If one of the two parties clicks Play and drags the progress bar, the other party will play at the same time, and the progress is consistent.

 God class Chrome extension, which can be seen from thousands of miles away at the same time!

Unlike other software, this extension hardly occupies additional network speed and is quite smooth. To stop synchronization, click the STOP button on the extension.

This plug-in is: Coplay

Official website address: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/coplay/heolgpojkkeacaokbpolhalhlaidpkkc?hl=zh -CN

It is estimated that most people cannot open the above address. The following is the installation file downloaded from the online disk. Download, unzip and drag it to the browser extension application.

Lanzuo Cloud: https://lanzous.com/ib91rgj

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