Check 8 websites that can check duplicate papers for free! Wanfang free duplicate check, paper dog PaperYY、FreeCheck、PaperDa、FreeCheck、 Superstar Daya, WritePass

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Share some collection of free paper duplication checking websites, several websites of paper duplication checking tools organized by netizens, and some free use standards have been noted. Students who need to check papers duplication can try. Some free duplicate checking websites have a certain timeliness
Address collection of free paper duplication checking websites (regardless of ranking)

1、 Wanfang free duplicate check (Free once for new students)

Website introduction: Wanfang is a well-known paper detection website in China. Professional paper duplication checking and paper duplication checking tools are free for students and scholars to use. The duplication checking report is detailed and accurate. Fresh students can use the professional service for free once.

2、 Thesis dog (One copy of the professional version is checked every day for free)

Website introduction: Thesis Dog is a duplicate checking website, which provides free and paid duplicate checking services. College students can use the professional duplicate checking service once a day for free. The duplicate checking report is detailed and accurate, supports a variety of file formats, is simple to operate, and can directly import local files.

3、 PaperYY (Free once a day, free twice after 11:00)

Website introduction: PaperYY is a duplicate checking website, providing duplicate checking and typesetting services. Users can use the marked version of duplicate checking service once a day for free. After 11:00, it supports DOC, DOCX, TXT format files. The duplicate checking speed is fast, and the results are detailed and intuitive.

4、 FreeCheck (Free once a day)

Website introduction: FreeCheck is a professional paper duplication checking website, which provides free duplication checking services for students. Users can use it once a day for free. It supports multiple file formats, has fast duplication checking, detailed results, and simple and elegant pages.

5、 PaperDa Y (permanent free for standard version, daily free for flagship version)

Website introduction: PaperDay is a professional paper duplication checking website, which provides free and paid duplication checking services. The standard version is permanently free of charge, the flagship version is daily free of charge, and supports papers in various formats. It has fast duplication checking, detailed results, and simple operation.

6、 WritePass (1000 free places per day)

Website introduction: WritePass is a paper duplication checking website. It provides 1000 free duplicate checking places every day, supports documents in DOC, DOCX, TXT and other formats, with fast duplicate checking speed, detailed results, simple and elegant pages, and convenient operation.

7、 Superstar Daya (See the similarity for free)

Website introduction: Superstar Daya is a paper duplication checking website under Superstar Learning Link. It provides free paper similarity detection services and supports multiple formats

8. Baidu Academic (free use of PaperTime once)

Website introduction: Baidu Academic is an academic search tool launched by Baidu Company. It provides paper detection services. Users can use PaperTime paper duplication checking system once for free. It supports doc, docx, txt format files, with fast duplication checking, detailed results, and simple pages.

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