Recommend a screen capture software for Windows - PeryCapture

Efficiency tools Updated 2 years ago (2022) ifun
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VeryCapture is a new free screenshot tool with comprehensive functions. It can take screenshots, record screens, PIN images, label, OCR, and translate. Double click ctrl to call out the screenshot interface, which is very fast and comprehensive.

Official website:

The following demo screen captures the features of the VeriCapture software.
推荐一款Windows的屏幕捕获软件 -VeryCapture


Function 1 , full screen screenshots capture full screen desktop screenshots and support rich style annotations.

推荐一款Windows的屏幕捕获软件 -VeryCapture


Function 2 , window rectangle screenshot can capture the active window or rectangular area.

推荐一款Windows的屏幕捕获软件 -VeryCapture


Function 3 , custom area screenshots capture pictures of arbitrary shapes.

推荐一款Windows的屏幕捕获软件 -VeryCapture


Function 4 , delayed screenshots can be used to capture the edit menu.
推荐一款Windows的屏幕捕获软件 -VeryCapture


Function 5 , long screenshot, used to scroll long screenshots of web pages or windows.

推荐一款Windows的屏幕捕获软件 -VeryCapture


Function 6 , gif recording, which can be used for personal demonstration, communication and gif sharing.
推荐一款Windows的屏幕捕获软件 -VeryCapture


Function 7 , video recording, which can be used to demonstrate communication and share videos.

It is similar to gif in use, and the picture will not be pasted.

Function 8 , OCR identification and translation, improve office efficiency.

推荐一款Windows的屏幕捕获软件 -VeryCapture

All the above functions are welcome to use.

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