is a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool.

Efficiency tools Updated 4 years ago (2020) ifun
11,226 zero zero - Uber open source tool, a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool for large datasets.

This should be the coolest map visualization tool ever!

Uber has opened its internal visualization tool package, which is a React component based on It has high performance and is used for visual exploration of large-scale geographic positioning data sets.

Its support for GPU allows applications to render millions of data points immediately, so it can not only render thousands of journey information, but also conduct spatial aggregations.

This means that we can generate the following cool and explosive data maps with one click!

[Trial address] is a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool. supports csv, json and geojson formats. In the Web interface, users can browse data by operating different layers, filtering or aggregating. Finally, you can choose to output static or dynamic maps.

It doesn't matter if you want to try something new but have no data. provides sample data, which can be played by students who are not data analysts.



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