None but Li
Standing wolf 2: Wu Jing was forced to donate when the fire broke out. There is no doubt that this film has made Wu Jing famous and rich, but this is not the reason why Wu Jing should make a huge donation. Wu Jing is not the only star forced to donate, and the logic behind it is not difficult to understand. However, when can this bandit logic draw a rest? The three logics behind "forced donation" in human society, helping others is a virtue worthy of respect and praise, so all societies advocate and encourage charitable acts such as donation. But in life, can we ask or force others to do charity? Or can the whole society force others to do charity by law? Many people may give a negative answer to this, but when natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or typhoons occur, the phenomenon of "forced donation" often occurs. Near
 Wu Jing Is Forced to Donate 100 Million to Bandit Logic When to Stop
 Wu Jing Is Forced to Donate 100 Million to Bandit Logic When to Stop
None but Li
On August 4, QQ Whirlwind, which has operated for nine years, released a "QQ Whirlwind Offline Announcement" on its official website, which mentioned that "due to the adjustment in business development, 'QQ Whirlwind' will stop operating on September 6, 2017." The classic download tool of the first generation has been retired after nine years of operation, but this is not Tencent's first product to give up recently. In March this year, Tencent's short video sharing community Microvision announced that it would shut down the service on April 10, and suggested that users log on to the official website of Microvision and enter their personal pages to download and save videos. In July, another Tencent product, Youren, also announced that it would stop operating. Tencent said, "Due to the business adjustment, Friend. com will stop its service and operation on August 6, 2017. It is recommended to download and backup your photos
 To the dying QQ whirlwind, another old download tool is offline!
 To the dying QQ whirlwind, another old download tool is offline!
None but Li
On June 16, Mobil announced that it had received more than 600 million dollars in financing. At the same time, a sharing bike called "Wukong Bike" in Chongqing can't hold on. Just three days before Mobil announced its huge financing, Wukong Bike announced that it would stop operating. This makes Wukong Bicycle the first enterprise in the industry to completely withdraw. For this purpose, Lei Houyi, the founder of Wukong Bike, paid more than 3 million yuan, and more than 1000 bicycles disappeared. Of course, he doesn't plan to find it back, "as a public welfare". Cycle sharing is growing again: how did Lei Houyi, who registered more than 1 million and more than 13 million people, get involved in the air inlet? What are your mental journey? What are the bloody lessons? Yesterday, the entrepreneur&I dark horse chatted with Lei Houyi, and the following is his opinion on the entrepreneur&
 Bloody lessons lead to the closure of the first bike sharing company
None but Li
According to the market survey, the myopia rate of primary school students is 25%, that of junior high school students is 75%, and that of senior high school students is as high as 85%, with an annual growth rate of 8%! Do your children or the children around you write on the desk or tilt their heads or close to the exercise books? Such consequences are myopia and hunchback, which will also have an impact on the spine in serious cases. Therefore, parents are also worried and will constantly remind their children to sit up straight! But parents can't remind us all the time. My children play around a lot and have just started to write. This has already happened. All the children around me are like this, and they even squint with glasses! Parents are worried. After thinking about their children, I don't have much time to remind her. I saw this product by chance, so I will follow me for the children
 Don't let nearsightedness ruin your child
 Don't let nearsightedness ruin your child
 Don't let nearsightedness ruin your child
None but Li
It is recommended to disconnect the network first, and then close the port. After closing the port, you can download patches or repair tools online Step 1: Start Menu - Open the Windows Firewall in the control panel, and ensure that the firewall is in the enabled state Windows system patch download address WindowsXP, WindowsServer2003, Windows8 and other systems please visit: Windows7, For Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and other systems, please visit: here
 Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
 Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
 Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
 Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
None but Li
Perhaps one day, the scene of automatic driving vehicles being attacked in Speed and Passion 8 will also become a reality. The blackmail virus can still be prevented, but its global outbreak also shows that there is no absolute security system in the world. On the evening of May 12, Microsoft system computers in nearly 100 countries around the world were simultaneously attacked by a computer virus called WannaCry or WannaDecryptor. If you want to unlock the computer infected with the virus, you can only pay the required Bitcoin to the other party, otherwise the hard disk will be completely emptied. At present, blackmail virus has ravaged many universities in China. The National Network and Information Security Center has also released an anti blackmail virus patch address. This blackmail virus attack is threatening, just like an unprecedented big
 How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
 How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
 How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
None but Li
There has always been such a question, how much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization? What is your SEO pricing standard and so on. But sometimes I really can't answer the questions about SEO fees and quotations. I suggest you take a look first and do a good job in SEO optimization! First of all, I hope netizens will understand that website optimization and keyword ranking are not a fixed model. According to the size of the website, the type of website, the degree of competition of the website, the degree of competition of the industry, and other factors, the difficulty of website optimization will be different. So, how much does website optimization cost? Such problems must be analyzed according to different situations in order to give a reasonable seo quotation scheme. For example, the reasons that affect the SEO outsourcing price
 How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
 How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
 How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
None but Li
The working principle of search engine is a basic course that SEO practitioners should understand, but some people say that the working principle of search engine is not easy for novices to understand, because the working principle is too abstract, and the search engine is changeable, no matter who can really understand the working principle of search. What I want to say is that no matter how the search engine changes, the general principle of inclusion will not change: 1. Find the URL of the website and download the page. 2. Determine whether the page quality reaches the inclusion standard, or delete it. 3. Determine whether the included page is updated and update the page snapshot. The above three are the basic rules for search engines to include pages, and neither Baidu nor Google will violate them. Then we can explain the working principle of the search engine in detail based on the above three articles
 Introduction to the working principle of SEO search engine optimization
 Introduction to the working principle of SEO search engine optimization
None but Li
A few days ago, I installed the Win10 system for my colleagues. After the installation, I encountered a thorny problem. I couldn't open my own software (such as calculator, weather, calendar, etc; The newly installed system has not set anything, but it is unable to open all built-in applications, so Baidu has a look. The principle is that this situation is mainly related to Win10 permission settings. In brief, the security design requirements of built-in software need to be supported by UAC. Generally speaking, it is the built-in administrator It is not used to perform daily operations. If you want to run the Modern APP, you can either set up another account (even if this account is the same as
 What if Windows10 can't open built-in applications?
 What if Windows10 can't open built-in applications?
 What if Windows10 can't open built-in applications?
 What if Windows10 can't open built-in applications?
 What if Windows10 can't open built-in applications?
 What if Windows10 can't open built-in applications?
None but Li
Recently, I was sorting out the mate tags on web pages, and I wanted to record the commonly used mate tags. Some of them can solve the problem of IE incompatibility. Now generally speaking, the lowest version of Internet Explorer should be IE8, but it is not ruled out that some backward computer machines are still IE6.7, so we should sort out the relevant data for backup. Give priority to the latest version of IE and Chrome<metahttp equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge, chrome=1"/><-- About X-UA-Compatible -->&
 One line of code solves the incompatibility of IE6, IE7 and IE8
 One line of code solves the incompatibility of IE6, IE7 and IE8
None but Li
Yesterday, we talked about how Baidu Encyclopedia successfully created entries (preparatory chapter). So we are ready to start implementing it. In fact, this article does not have any skills. It is mainly to organize and edit the reference materials. Avoid subjective words. After having reference materials, you can extract the contents of the reference materials for editing. There are two points to note: (1) The contents of the entries must appear in the reference materials; (2) Be sure to remove subjective, emotional and adjective words, such as rich and beautiful...... Enterprise entries can try enterprise channels. I won't say much about this. The entry specially prepared for the enterprise entry will have a greater chance of passing through the enterprise entry. 1. Modify according to the review. For such terms with obvious commercial nature, it is possible for the machine to pass the examination
 How Baidu Encyclopedia successfully created entries (editorial)
 How Baidu Encyclopedia successfully created entries (editorial)
None but Li
Today, I suddenly remembered a previous website blog. I felt it was good, but it belonged to zblogasp, so I wanted to migrate it to the zblogphp version. But after restoring the website data, I logged in to the background and displayed it. The database connection error occurred. Because the asp+access type and directory location were both correct, it might be that the access database connection failed. In order to verify this theory, download zblogasp 2.2 again and reinstall it. The left side shows that the Access database cannot be used, but the server itself supports the access database. The reason is that Microsoft will give up access, so it has not developed the 64 bit access database. My server win7 is 64 bit, and it also cannot support
 An error occurred during the installation of zblogasp. The left side shows that the Access database cannot be used
 An error occurred during the installation of zblogasp. The left side shows that the Access database cannot be used