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Once upon a time, Qiniu Cloud storage, including images, was also enabled on our blog, which was generally very good. I remember that when I used it, I said that colleagues could store files. At that time, the configured attachments uploaded by Qiniu were transferred directly to Qiniu Cloud storage, but not locally. When the whole site enabled HTTPS, I found that the images are all in http format, so I rebind the Qiniu https domain name, but it costs money. After comprehensive consideration, the website gave up https. These days, I have been thinking about how to download all the attachments and images in the cloud space, and then upload them to the server. That is to give up Qiniu Cloud. Baidu has found this method is feasible, So organize the tutorials and share them. It is necessary to
 Qiniu Cloud Storage Batch Download Tutorial
 Qiniu Cloud Storage Batch Download Tutorial
 Qiniu Cloud Storage Batch Download Tutorial
 Qiniu Cloud Storage Batch Download Tutorial
 Qiniu Cloud Storage Batch Download Tutorial
 Qiniu Cloud Storage Batch Download Tutorial
 Qiniu Cloud Storage Batch Download Tutorial
 Qiniu Cloud Storage Batch Download Tutorial
None but Li
Before reading this article, please make sure that you have understood the definition of MIP and the principle of acceleration. If you are not sure, you can go to the MIP official website. The content of the article comes from the MIP blog. Preparation and precautions in the early stage of transformation: You can choose to directly change the original mobile station to a MIP station, or you can make a separate set of MIP stations and mobile stations coexist. MIP transformation is not recommended for complex pages. At present, it has better support for information, graphics and text. If the function is more complex, it is recommended to customize components or wait for the MIP project team to develop. The transformation needs to have some knowledge of html. The MIP transformation tutorial should follow the tutorial. Pay special attention to case. It is recommended to use lower case for the whole. We transform an html page step by step from the up and down order, as long as we follow the
 Quickly build MIP and experience friendly mobile pages
None but Li
Brieflee responsive theme with simple design is perfectly compatible with all mobile devices. Template page introduction: 404, error page template; about, Separate page template; (Enable sidebar 3) Catalog, classified list template; links, Friendship link template; search, Search page template; sitemap, Article archiving template (create a new page in the background, select this template, and the timeline will show the effect). Update: Feel it for yourself, I'm too lazy to write it. Anyway, it is to fix the problem that the CMS classification on the home page does not display articles. I don't know how to describe it! Previous update: optimize the display effect of friendship links; Optimize the theme background interface function; Click to enlarge the updated picture, which is from the plug-in of Song Dynasty. Optimization Streamline code Other optimizations. Add whole station
 Brieflee theme - give you the best (updated in August)
 Brieflee theme - give you the best (updated in August)
 Brieflee theme - give you the best (updated in August)
 Brieflee theme - give you the best (updated in August)
 Brieflee theme - give you the best (updated in August)
 Brieflee theme - give you the best (updated in August)
 Brieflee theme - give you the best (updated in August)
None but Li
When building a website template, it is sometimes necessary to judge whether a user logs in or whether an administrator logs in. This is not a tutorial, but it is used occasionally. Baidu later saw that Tianxing and Fengyan Blogs have this tutorial, and make a record of their arrival in case of emergency. Judge whether the user logs in {if $user. ID>0}
 Zblogphp determines whether the user logs in
None but Li
On June 16, Mobil announced that it had received more than 600 million dollars in financing. At the same time, a sharing bike called "Wukong Bike" in Chongqing can't hold on. Just three days before Mobil announced its huge financing, Wukong Bike announced that it would stop operating. This makes Wukong Bicycle the first enterprise in the industry to completely withdraw. For this purpose, Lei Houyi, the founder of Wukong Bike, paid more than 3 million yuan, and more than 1000 bicycles disappeared. Of course, he doesn't plan to find it back, "as a public welfare". Cycle sharing is growing again: how did Lei Houyi, who registered more than 1 million and more than 13 million people, get involved in the air inlet? What are your mental journey? What are the bloody lessons? Yesterday, the entrepreneur&I dark horse chatted with Lei Houyi, and the following is his opinion on the entrepreneur&
 Bloody lessons lead to the closure of the first bike sharing company
None but Li
Yesterday, the website page scrolling animation JS special effect was released, but the loaded page is not perfect. The article page cannot be loaded directly, and the scroll bar needs to continue. It may be caused by not adjusting the js. So today, we retested wow.js, and I feel this is good. I like it very much. If you are interested, you can test it. When the page scrolls down, some elements will produce small animation effects. Although the animation is small, it can attract your attention. For example, the iPhone 6 page just released (view). If you want your page to be more interesting, you can try WOW.js. WOW.js depends on animate.css, so it supports animate.cs
 JS special effect of rolling loading animation on website page (II)
 JS special effect of rolling loading animation on website page (II)
 JS special effect of rolling loading animation on website page (II)
 JS special effect of rolling loading animation on website page (II)
 JS special effect of rolling loading animation on website page (II)
 JS special effect of rolling loading animation on website page (II)
None but Li
The dust finally settled. A while ago, I was very busy. I got married and worked together because of the marriage leave and annual leave. As a result, I haven't updated my blog for a long time. Today, I took the time to bring you a js special effect. The website module delayed loading animation. I wanted to make this function before the holiday. The page scrolled and loaded, looking very comfortable. It was not finished until today. The tutorial was also found online. I tested many of them, but I still think this one is better. Interested friends can test. Introduction Like WOW.js, scrollReveal.js is also a Jav with scrolling animation
 Website page scrolling loading animation JS special effect
 Website page scrolling loading animation JS special effect
 Website page scrolling loading animation JS special effect
 Website page scrolling loading animation JS special effect
 Website page scrolling loading animation JS special effect
 Website page scrolling loading animation JS special effect
None but Li
According to the market survey, the myopia rate of primary school students is 25%, that of junior high school students is 75%, and that of senior high school students is as high as 85%, with an annual growth rate of 8%! Do your children or the children around you write on the desk or tilt their heads or close to the exercise books? Such consequences are myopia and hunchback, which will also have an impact on the spine in serious cases. Therefore, parents are also worried and will constantly remind their children to sit up straight! But parents can't remind us all the time. My children play around a lot and have just started to write. This has already happened to all the children around me. They also squint with glasses! Parents are worried. After thinking about their children, I don't have much time to remind her. I saw this product by chance, so I will follow me for the children
 Don't let nearsightedness ruin your child
 Don't let nearsightedness ruin your child
 Don't let nearsightedness ruin your child
None but Li
It is recommended to disconnect the network first, and then close the port. After closing the port, you can download patches or repair tools online Step 1: Start Menu - Open the Windows Firewall in the control panel, and ensure that the firewall is in the enabled state Windows system patch download address WindowsXP, WindowsServer2003, Windows8 and other systems please visit: Windows7, For Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and other systems, please visit: here
 Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
 Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
 Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
 Manually close the 445 port operation tutorial
None but Li
Perhaps one day, the scene of automatic driving vehicles being attacked in Speed and Passion 8 will also become a reality. The blackmail virus can still be prevented, but its global outbreak also shows that there is no absolute security system in the world. On the evening of May 12, Microsoft system computers in nearly 100 countries around the world were simultaneously attacked by a computer virus called WannaCry or WannaDecryptor. If you want to unlock the computer infected with the virus, you can only pay the required Bitcoin to the other party, otherwise the hard disk will be completely emptied. At present, blackmail virus has ravaged many universities in China. The National Network and Information Security Center has also released an anti blackmail virus patch address. This blackmail virus attack is threatening, just like an unprecedented big
 How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
 How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
 How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?
None but Li
This article mainly introduces the solution to the PHP error WARNING: SESSION_START() [FUNCTION. ESSION-START]. You can refer to the following for friends who need it. Sometimes, when operating sessions, you will encounter this problem: Warning: session_start() [function. session start]...... System environment: WIN2003+IIS 6+PHP5.2.12 PHP has the following error: Warning: session_start() [function. session start]: failed...
None but Li
I accidentally found that the database of WordPress site is very large, but there are less than 10 articles in this site. It's unreasonable for such a large database. Then start to find out the reason. It is found that the database type in the background of phpmyadmin is different from other wp sites. This site is InnoDB and the other wp sites are MyISAM. I also forgot how it came about. InnoDB type will cause the size of the database to expand several times, so I decided to convert from InnoDB type to MyISAM type. The database is a bit troublesome. I went to the Internet and didn't find an exact answer. I simply asked the military brother on the forum and soon got a reply. Here, I would like to praise the diligent military brother and thank him for his lnmp
 Tutorial on Converting MySQL Database InnoDB to MyISAM
 Tutorial on Converting MySQL Database InnoDB to MyISAM