What is the principle of website SEO ranking optimization

original None but Li 2017-03-30 15:46:24

1、 What is the target of website optimization ranking

1. A website is composed of many pages, and a website is composed of one or more pages.

2. SEO optimization is targeted at web pages rather than websites, just like the athletes winning prizes at the Olympic Games, it is targeted at athletes rather than their countries.

The mistake about website optimization ranking is that most people always think that the object of optimization is the website. What we usually say about "website ranking" and "website optimization" is incorrect. We talked about it before Four common sense you need to know to do a good job in SEO optimization If you want to know more, click here.


2、 What is hyper chain analysis? Introduction to hyper chain analysis

1. "Hyperlink analysis" is a patent of Baidu. The principle is to evaluate the quality of the linked websites by analyzing the number of linked websites. This function is to ensure that when users use the search engine, the higher the quality, the more popular the pages are.

Baidu President Robin Li is the only holder of this technology, and this technology has been widely used by major search engines around the world.  

2. How do we understand hyperlink analysis technology?  

In short, it is very important to determine whether a page is excellent or authoritative, and the "opinions" of other pages. Even if a web page is not so excellent, as long as other pages' "trust vote" (backlinks) for it exceeds other pages, it will also rank higher, or even first.  

For example, on Alibaba's website (www.alibaba. com), the word "international station" does not appear on the whole website, but it ranks very well in the word "international station", because a large number of Alibaba's websites have given it a "trust vote" (anchor text).  

It should be noted that "hyperlink analysis" is only an important reference for ranking, but not the only reference.  


3、 Recommendations of related pages

1. Related pages are content related pages. For example, this page is about the introduction of mobile phone functions, and the connected page is about the introduction of mobile phone manufacturers. These two pages are related to mobile phones.

2. It is important to recommend each other between related pages. For example, after my introduction of mobile phone functions on this page, I will also introduce some mobile phone manufacturers to visitors, so I will recommend your web page to them, that is, put a link to your web page on my web page. Similarly, after your introduction of mobile phone manufacturers on this web page, you can also recommend my web page to your visitors, That is to put a link to my web page on your web page. This is the relevant recommendation.  

3. The significance of related pages for ranking is that it enables users to have a better experience of web pages, and search engines will trust the recommended web pages more.  

4、 The importance of seo model

1. There are many web pages all over the world. They are linked by links. Search engines access them by links. Search engines will select the pages that have advantages in obtaining links to related pages and rank them top. This advantage includes the quality of the pages, the weight of the pages that give us backlinks, and the relevance.  

2. For example, Sina's home page gives us a backlink, which is definitely different from a free personal blog page of Sina. If our website sells cars, the effect of a reverse link from a page selling tires is much better than that from a page selling boilers.  

3. The number of backlinks is important. The home page of five websites gives us five backlinks, and the home page of 10 websites of the same level gives us one backlink each.

Part of the article is reproduced from the Internet.

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