Talk about health

Cold drinks can kill the spleen, skipping breakfast can kill the stomach, drinking drinks for a long time can kill the kidney, staying up late and eating snacks can kill the liver, and eating rice and flour every day can kill the pancreas. These bad habits will eventually kill themselves.

Most people don't know the importance of health until they get sick. Recently, I went to acupuncture every day for many days, and my body was tired and sub healthy. See some young people with ventilation and anemia, middle-aged and old people with cancer, tinnitus, uremia, prostatic hyperplasia and hypertrophy, extremely difficult to sleep, hemiplegia, perennial colds and coughs, perennial mouth sores, waist pain and leg pain Alas, human suffering!

It is gratifying that most of them have improved, some of them are very obvious, after acupuncture and taking traditional Chinese medicine. I also hope I can take three or two months to recuperate myself.


This article is original or collected and published by Qingmeng, welcome to reprint


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 Talk about health

Talk about health

Cold drinks can kill the spleen, skipping breakfast can kill the stomach, drinking drinks for a long time can kill the kidney, and often staying up late and eating snacks can kill the liver

Self-Improvement 2024.01.20 two one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight

Comment List
  •  Ahe

    It is important to form good habits!

    2024-01-23 14:46:50 Reply to this comment
  •  wys

    Well said! Many diseases are caused by "eating". Many diseases have nothing to do with me.

    2024-01-21 20:23:55 Reply to this comment
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