Sanxingdui on May Day
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Sanxingdui on May Day

 Uncle Qin
Released on May 19, 2024 / Checking whether to include
This article was last updated on May 21, 2024, and has not been updated for more than 126 days. If the content or picture is invalid, please leave a message for feedback.

Since the public holiday in August, 20 years ago, it has almost become a routine to travel long distances every holiday. Where to on May Day? I thought about the map of Gaud for several days

Thinking of Sanxingdui, I asked my son for advice and said that if I wanted to go, I would start to squat on tickets. I was lucky enough to get the parent-child ticket on May 4, which made me dare to plan my trip to Chengdu. Depart on the 1st, arrive at the Chengdu Panda Base on the 2nd, the Chengdu Panda Base on the 3rd, Sanxingdui on the 4th, and then hurry back immediately, and arrive home on the 5th.

My wife was transferred this year, and she worked overtime on weekends. On holidays like May Day, let alone holidays, she can't go. I wanted to take my daughter with me, but everyone advised me not to. I thought I would not braid her, and I could not take her out even if she was slovenly every day. Forget it. Finally, it became a father son tour for my son and me.

First, I took the route (Chenxi Luxi Jishou Aizhai National Highway) that was often run by motorcycle travelers in those years to remember, and after climbing the winding mountain highway of Aizhai, I went straight to Chongqing on the expressway. When I go out for self driving, I always choose cheap hotels and guesthouses to stay in, so I usually stay 30 or 40 kilometers away from my destination. Chongqing didn't plan to play, just planned to stay nearby for one night, so I found a district dozens of kilometers away from the downtown of Chongqing on the map of Gaode, looked at the nearby hotels, found a cheap one at the front, and then followed the navigation all the way. After checking in at night, I began to plan the route for the next day. I found myself more than 300 kilometers away from the downtown of Chongqing, and seriously deviated from the route to Chengdu... This place is in Kaizhou District of Chongqing. I should have clicked Nanchuan District on the map. If Gao De recommended me a farther hotel, I would have stayed in Hubei. I can only blame myself for not looking carefully. I only saw the words of Chongqing but didn't expect it would be so far away. Comfort myself that I came out to run anyway, and it's my pleasure to run hundreds of kilometers more. In fact, I had doubts on the highway. On one side, I went to Chongqing, but the navigation asked me to go to Longshan on the other side (it seems to be Longshan, if not, it is a mistake). At that time, I said to myself why not go to Chongqing? Because according to my plan, the hotel should also be heading for Chongqing. Later, I thought that maybe it was the navigation planning for other highways, but I didn't think so much. The name of the hotel is“ Chongqing Blue Lake Hotel (Hanfeng Lake Cruise Dock Store) ", which stranger can think that this hotel will be more than 300 kilometers away from the downtown of Chongqing just by looking at its name! Fortunately, except for being a little far away, everything else is OK. Outside the hotel is Hanfeng Lake National Wetland Park. After walking along the lake, I was not impressed by the good air quality, but the most depressing thing was that I didn't find a breakfast shop after walking several hundred meters.

 A corner of Hanfeng Lake National Wetland Park

Although I didn't plan to stay in Chongqing, I came here and suddenly wanted to experience the hell driving difficulty in Chongqing, so I added a passing point of Chongqing in Delhi. However, it is not difficult to find such a way after walking, which is no different from driving in other big cities. I dare not go to the old city. After all, it's very troublesome to be stuck in the busy tourist season and delay my trip today. I estimate that if you want to find a hotel in a certain community in the old city, the difficulty index may soar.

Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding came when my wife and I were on marriage leave. I remember that we took a bus to the gate. This time, I found that there were earth shaking changes outside the base. The parking lot is about one kilometer away from the gate. I walked all the way to find that this area has been transformed into commercial facilities related to the Panda Base. It seems that there are no buses passing by any more, only tourist buses. (The photo shows the entrance on May 13, 2014 and May 3, 2024 respectively)

 Entrance in 2014

 Entrance in 2024

The distinctive bus of 2014 should be invisible now.

In the base, there are quite a few tourists, and it is not much worse than the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Xi'an. I don't know whether it is because of the afternoon. Most pandas are lazy. They either lie on their stomach and don't move, or sit there and chew bamboo. It's a bit boring. Another season is wrong. I didn't see the baby panda. After walking for almost 4 hours, my feet are sore. My son also shouts that he will not look at them and wants to go back. I should say that he has seen all the pandas he can see. Later, many people asked me if I saw Huahua, which made me confused. I didn't seem to see Huahua. I asked my son if he saw Huahua. He said that he saw a brand called "Huahua's Home". I had no impression. I guess he never went to see Huahua's home. Huahua should not be at home. Otherwise, I will follow the crowd to see the fame. Even if I can't see it, I will certainly hear countless people shouting Huahua, Huahua, but I have no impression. Finally, I want to mention that the parking fee for more than 4 hours was only 5 yuan. It's too conscientious. I used to go to places where it was at least 20 yuan.

Before I went to Sanxingdui, I thought I would be slightly shocked by the scene, but when I arrived at the scene, I was familiar with the exclamation, "That's it!"! It may be that Sanxingdui has more strict control on the number of people, and people do not see as many pandas. But after entering, they can only squeeze to take a picture and then move to the next booth to take a picture. It is impossible to look closely. Of course, with my cultural level and experience, there is no need to take a closer look at it. I can't see why it is, and I can't get mixed feelings. My son is very interested in the introduction videos in the exhibition hall. I guess he watched them as an animated cartoon. The parking time of Sanxingdui is not as long as that of the Panda Base. It costs 10 yuan, but it is also cheap.

After seeing Sanxingdui, I hurried back. I found a hotel in Guang'an. Guang'an, the hometown of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, has been a place where great people have grown up for one night. Ruixi International Hotel (Guang'an Railway Station), when I found this hotel, I was speechless. How to say, the psychological gap is a little big. Looking at the name of the store, I think there are still three or two nails in the broken boat. Looking at the pictures on Goddard, I think it is the feeling that all the buildings are the same hotel. It should be a little high-grade. My heart said that this time it was a leak again. As a result, the first floor is full of facades along the street. The second and third floors are not noticed. The fourth floor is another hotel, which was also seen by Gaode or Meituan. But because the name is simple, it was ignored. I directly looked at the international hotel on the fifth floor, hahaha... When I went up again, it felt like a family hotel. But let alone, he had many rooms, I'm afraid there must be dozens of rooms. There is also a feeling of family hotel in the room, but there should be all of them. As for the grade, don't mention it. The price is 114. If there were no "photo fraud", I would think it was OK, but I was a little upset when I looked at the order of those photos. Later, I carefully looked at those photos and found that they were renderings... Of course, compared with the 7-day chain store in the 90s of the Spring Festival, it was still better, at least there were enough hot water pipes.

No. 5 ran on the road for most of the day and arrived home at more than 3 p.m.

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