Website restart
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Website restart

 Uncle Qin
Issued on January 1, 2024 / Checking whether to include
This article was last updated on January 1, 2024, and has not been updated for 264 days. If the content or picture is invalid, please leave a message for feedback.

The website has been closed for almost a month. Today is January 1, 2024. Please restart it!

The reason for closing the station was that on December 9, a staff member of the Internet Information Office contacted me and said that I was informed by the city that my website was involved in pornography... (Another episode was played in real time, just after receiving a strange phone call saying that it was the patrol office of the county party committee, which surprised me. I said in my heart that I had just opened the station and that the patrol office would not be found so soon! Fortunately, it was something else that scared the baby to death!)

I've always been so regular that I haven't even scratched the edges. Why is it yellow? After some communication, I was told a website that the link involved pornography. Open it and see a website called "Congliang Attempted Cinema". It seems that the films in the "Ethical Films" section are all restricted. I know that "Congliang failed". I remember that his blog had changed its domain name, and the domain name related to Huang should be his previous one. It is unclear whether he built such a movie station himself or whether the domain name was abandoned and used by others. But anyway, it's a disaster free for me!

According to the feedback information, I found that in 2020 and earlier, "Congliang Attempt" made several comments on my website, so the website left at that time has now become a link related to pornography. In the past, it was a blessing in disguise that all comments were lost when moving manually (that is, copying, pasting and republishing blog posts). Otherwise, there were frequent interactions in the early years, and it was unknown how many pornographic links there were.

The first time I deleted all the links related to pornography, I still felt uneasy, so I simply turned off the comments (this thing is open, and sooner or later people will find it!). Who knows when someone else's domain name will become a yellow link. Simply hide the neighborhood pages!

After that, the Office asked me to fill in a Feedback Form on the Disposal of Network Information Content Security Problems, which mainly explained the cause of the problem, the treatment results and the follow-up preventive measures. Here I would like to thank the brother of the Cyberspace Office for timely notification and handling, which did not further expand the matter.

In the future, be cautious. The Internet is not a place beyond the law!

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