Emma Xinguo Q101 electric bicycle has been reserved
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Emma Xinguo Q101 electric bicycle has been reserved

 Uncle Qin
Released on September 17, 2022 / Checking whether to include
This article was last updated on September 18, 2022, and has not been updated for more than 739 days. If the content or picture is invalid, please leave a message for feedback.

My wife wants to buy an electric car (two wheels) to pick up her son and commute to work. I think it would be better if she could ride her own bike. I agree. Although my UU125 pedal motorcycle can carry four people in a family, it is a bit crowded. Sometimes it scrapes the chassis on a short horse leg, so I don't want to carry so many people, but sometimes I can't make it convenient.

My wife can't ride a two wheeled bicycle, so she wanted to buy an electric tricycle at first. She thought it was unnecessary to learn that kind of tricycle. So last weekend, I first went to "inspect" two stores and tried two models. At the beginning, I felt totally unable to ride. Because the space in the motorcycle market was narrow, I could only ride around in circles, but I couldn't even turn around. I felt like I was going to turn over when I turned the corner. I got used to it after a while, but it was not as good as the old lady. In my heart, this kind of car is still unreliable. It's better for my wife to learn to ride two wheels.

My wife has made many inquiries herself these days, and she is no longer so obsessed with three rounds. I especially heard that Yadi can learn from his shop about old cars and pick up new ones after learning them. She is more eager to try. I'm not interested in electric bikes. I was dazzled when I went to see them last weekend. I didn't want to do any homework comparison. Instead, my wife asked about the price from her colleagues. She also went to see Yadi beside the company and learned about the approximate price. My wife can't ride an ordinary bike, so she doesn't want to take a motorcycle license test and ride an electric motorcycle. She just wants to buy a small one that can be used quickly.

I sent my son to learn painting this morning and took my wife to see an electric car. She has seen Yadi beside her wife's company. I have seen Yadi and Tailing in the motorcycle market. I don't want to go there for the time being. Remember that there are several electric car stores at the bridgehead of Yuanshui Bridge. Go and have a look first. When I arrived at Lvyuan, Emma, and Five Star Diamond Leopard, my wife said that the Five Star Diamond Leopard was not on the list, Yadi was the first, and Emma was the second (I don't know who was on the list after listening to her colleagues). Let's take a look at Emma, who ranks second. In fact, I don't like the name Emma very much. I always think it is "Ah, Nima"!

At first, my wife looked at the car that was most like a bicycle. She thought it was small and she could handle it by herself. I didn't think of any objection reasons, but secretly despised it. I wouldn't ride it. Fortunately, the boss said that he didn't recommend this car. He said that when you learned to ride, you would want to change the car. He also said that many customers finally learned how to ride and bought it again. The boss directly recommended one. He said it was now on sale. There were six batteries at 3280 yuan. My wife made a comparison secretly. I can't buy 6 batteries at this price in Yadi. I feel that the electric bicycle has reached 72V, which seems to be the ceiling. Although the boss said there were eight batteries, I didn't hear much about the 96V electric car in my unsophisticated memory.

I said I would like to have a test ride to see if I can climb the steep slope at Xiongshoushan Primary School. If that slope is OK, there will be no pressure in the county seat. As a result, the boss installed a new car without saying a word (none of the cars in the store had batteries or rear ends) and asked me to take him to climb the slope. The riding experience is good. Due to the road conditions in the county, I think I have played 90% of the strength of this bike. It should be able to run 30-40 yards per hour on the flat road (unlocked, but the speedometer shows 25 at the highest, which is too deceitful), and it feels easier. I should have some spare power. My motorcycle can only run at this speed most of the time. On the steep slope of Xiongshoushan Mountain, I carried the boss with an apparent speed of 15-18 yards, which is usually greater than the actual speed, but it was also just so. After all, I carried a man of more than 100 kilograms. The slope in Victory Park is really like the boss said, without pressure. I'm really satisfied with this performance. What I'm not satisfied with is that the shock absorbers are really rubbish. I hate the shock absorbers of the UU125. This car is even worse. Then there is no sound of horses' hooves. It is easy to forget to turn off the turn signal after turning it on. Moreover, unlike the turn signal of a motorcycle, it is not turned off when you press it down. It must be turned back to the middle position. Because I watched the boss load the car and saw the frame, which was really thin; The accuracy of the parts is not very good, and the installation of individual positions really depends on the efforts of the boss. However, after all, it is not realistic to expect how good the workmanship of a 3000 yuan thing is. Anyway, after the test drive, I tend to buy this car.

The wife inquired again, and learned that 3180 people bought it. She tried to make a plan for 3080, but it was fruitless, and she only got the price of 3180. I went to Taobao for a look temporarily. There were few people selling this car, and the configuration was low and the price was high. It was estimated that the production might be stopped, or else it would not be sold at a special price. Otherwise, this model is offline, and the boss didn't show that he wanted to sell one less. It seems that there is sufficient supply. I said to myself that the price of a mobile phone is more than that. What's more, the boss gave me a good feeling, and I don't want to go to another house to see it. His family also offers to pick up and send a school car. The boss or his wife teaches in person. Compared with Yadi, you can learn a new level by yourself. So he paid 300 deposit to let his wife learn the car first. I don't really want the car I just rode. Although it is a new car that has just been installed and I have ridden it myself, I still prefer to have a car that has not been unpacked. If I pay the full price now, I will probably have to take this one. I'm embarrassed to ask my boss to install a new one for me now, so maybe this one will be sold after a few days, so it's reasonable to install a new one.

I had an appointment with my boss to learn to ride in the evening. I felt that my wife was still learning fast. After riding for half an hour, I didn't need the boss to watch the bike to prevent it from falling. It is estimated that I will be able to walk off the ground after two more nights of practice. However, this kind of learning is just to learn how to operate, and we have to see if we can go on the road. As for manned transport, we will talk about it in two months. I searched this Emma Xinguo Q101 when I got home. It seems that the price is very affordable now. I don't see that the configuration is cheaper than my high price. However, there is not much useful information. Is this car not selling well?

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