I don't know what will happen in 19 years?
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I don't know what will happen in 19 years?

 Uncle Qin
Issued on January 8, 2019 / Checking whether to include
This article was last updated on July 23, 2019, and has not been updated for more than 1892 days. If the content or picture is invalid, please leave a message for feedback.

It's been a long time since I updated my blog. For one thing, I was busy at the end of the year and had less free time. For another, it was freezing cold. I couldn't bear to turn on the air conditioner in my study, and there was no other heater available. My fingers were stiff and unwilling to type.

In the past two or three years, I have often been recruited by the Information Office of the Organization Department for help under various names. This time, I was ruthless and officially seconded by a red headed document. The main reason is that my status as a worker is too limited, otherwise I would have been formally transferred. With my working ability, no one really wants me. The Agricultural Bureau once wanted to seconded me, but the leader refused. This time, the head of the organization department signed the red headed document and the leader could only agree. When I first returned to work in Chenxi, I was also ignorant and didn't know anything. Otherwise, I would have been a civil servant as early as possible, and now I should be better off. Now I'm too old to take another exam after understanding these routines. After several years of personnel work, the biggest achievement is to get a soy sauce in the Organization Department? Maybe... But I've only known several personnel cadres of other units during my years in the Organization Department. If I have any questions about business, someone can take care of them.

My sullen personality is extremely active in various work groups, but I have no personal contact with anyone, so many people know me or know me, but I don't know each other. What's more, I must be the kind of brain that can't remember people. Even if I say hello, I will not recognize them when I turn my back. It's embarrassing to write in words!!! However, I made some good friends because of my helpful character in the group. Sometimes I can get the initiative help from others, which is very good.

The wage share on the 4th announced the start of wage adjustment, and on the 7th, the money should be reissued in place. As a result, the personnel cadres of the whole county have to work overtime on weekends. It is said that because Xi Dada personally asked whether the money was in place, the province has been dragging its feet on the matter of adjusting the standard, so now we come to vigorously implement it. The salary unit asked me if I could go to help, and said I would help. The salary adjustment of my unit is handled by the salary unit. I thought about it for a while. If I didn't go, my own company would not let me go. Although I was seconded, I would not take over anything new. It's strange that I didn't ask me to help at the weekend. To help, although it's hard for two days, it's also personal. It's definitely easier to do things later. So he agreed. And sure enough, the leader called me at night to help me work overtime.

Most of the personnel workers are old people. When I sit in the wage share, I can't help laughing. I can be seen everywhere. In fact, the 5th is my birthday. Although I don't have the habit of celebrating a birthday, I still feel that this birthday is different. Finally, everyone finished the work on schedule, and everyone was happy. It was agreed to help me adjust my salary. In fact, I did it myself in the end. I just used the salary software of the salary stock to operate it in a few minutes, which saved me from the tiredness of working in the company one by one. My company is really poor and stingy, and I would not like to install a payroll software.

When it comes to salary, it is a matter of anger. I can say that I will take the minimum salary and do the most things. The trade union was established at the end of 2018, and I was given the title of deputy director of the trade union. I didn't see the benefits, and there were many more things. The labor union budget has basically been cut down by the leaders, and the welfare has not changed as before. So many things have been done just to facilitate the reimbursement of the unit. Disappointed, get a wool! Thanks for the secondment of the Organization Department. At least for the time being, we can get rid of some personnel and labor union issues.

When I go back next year, it will not be so easy for me to take over personnel management. It's no good. Let me see if I can do it! "Can't do", who can't say!

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