Chang'an CS55 paint repair
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Chang'an CS55 paint repair

 Uncle Qin
Released on December 4, 2018 / Checking whether to include
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Originally, I still had the mentality of mending but not mending, but after talking with an acquaintance about the paint repair, I was a bit excited, and I also had the idea of trying the shop he introduced. Later, when I met him again, I made an appointment and asked him to take me there. After all, there is more and more rain now, and I'm still worried that it will rust if dragged down.

In fact, a few years ago when I was riding a motorcycle mixed with a team, I heard that there was a shop at the crossroads that did a good job of repairing paint and baking paint, but I never wanted to go to find out. I might as well change the shell of the motorcycle when I went to paint it... Now I am brought to this shop by acquaintances, and I guess it is the legendary one in those days, called "Shenbao Auto Service Center" I still can't remember anything. It's not at the roadside. I have to go up a slope to get there. I don't know if I can find it without someone to show me. (When I was writing the article, I checked in Baidu and found that there was really industrial and commercial registration information. I didn't forget the name of the store, and the boss was called Zhang Shenbao... I heard others' names of "Shenbao" and "Shenbao", but I thought it was a nickname among acquaintances.)

After counting with the master, it was determined that there were 6 surfaces to be touched up, one of which was obviously sunken. (I was taking a camera to take a picture, but I forgot my memory card... I had to take a random picture with my mobile phone.) There was still a little scratch on my buttocks, but it was very small, and it was not worth painting again. Otherwise, there were seven surfaces, almost equal to painting the whole car.
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The quotation was 300 per person, because it was introduced by an acquaintance, and they said that 1500 would be done for me. Of course, I was not happy, so I quoted the price of my brother's car that had been painted at my classmate's shop last year, with 200 for touch up paint and 100 for sheet metal. Because there is only one obvious concave face, I only need sheet metal for one face, because I remember my classmate said that if the concave is not serious, there will be no sheet metal fee, which is 1300 yuan. An acquaintance helped to say a few words, and the price was settled.

To start work, first polish off the old paint.
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After polishing, use tools to pull out the slightly concave parts.
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I thought this was the way to deal with the obvious dent in the front of the car. However, I used a crowbar to pry it a few times before it was over... It took me a long time to pull these slightly concave parts, and then I had to polish the welding spots after pulling them, which took time and labor. In contrast, the concave sheet metal at the front of the car is more like doing it easily. Is that more valuable? I spent 100 yuan on sheet metal, pulled 4 sides and pried 1 side. I don't know if it is charged like this elsewhere... I feel like I have made money.
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After the depression is restored, start puttying.! The teacher who putties is the boss's younger brother. You can tell it is the teacher Fu by his actions! This is a time-consuming step. You need to wait for the putty to dry before polishing and painting. Although it will be heated by infrared light, it also takes time. Especially, I can scrape everywhere. It is estimated that it can only be dried quickly by baking in the baking room, but I think it is more likely to be left to dry naturally for one night. There's no need to wait any longer. Go to the barbecue!
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Come back the next afternoon. The car has been sprayed with primer, and the master is polishing it with sandpaper.
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The master polished it very carefully. I think it's almost finished several times. He is still polishing. After polishing, the master goes to do other work first. When he is almost done, he will polish again. When I looked around, I really felt that I could polish myself and not be more meticulous than him. When I saw this step, I basically felt that I would not lose the 1300 yuan.
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After entering the baking room, we need to use high-pressure air to flush the dust, and the water in the gaps will be accumulated, and then we will wipe and flush again
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After the thorough cleaning is confirmed, start to cover the parts that do not need painting with newspapers and car clothes.
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I thought that some edge positions might not be perfect when painting with such a cover, but after inspection after completion, there was basically no problem. The rear-view mirror that was replaced at the 4S store before was not painted by the manufacturer. The 4S store tried to cover it for painting, but the edges were a bit rough, which made it very unpleasant to watch. In contrast, the level of technology is clear at a glance.

Later, I didn't want to take photos because I couldn't shoot clearly through the oven door. I went to pick up my wife after a while. The next day (it should be the third day), I went to pick up the car at noon, and everything has been completed. Except that the bumper has an imperfect corner, everything else is basically OK, and there is no visible color difference compared with the original car paint. This pearl paint has a layer of silver like things. The rearview mirror sprayed by the 4S store is thinner and thinner than the original paint. I compared the silver powder sprayed on me carefully, but I didn't see any difference. I really want to praise it! The scratch on the rear of the car also helped me to repair the paint, but it was really applied casually. It's not as good as I did, but it doesn't matter. I didn't expect anything, but I'll stick a sticker.

I paid and left happily. It felt like I drove home in a new car.

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