Is it the culprit?
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Is it the culprit?

 Uncle Qin
Issued on March 19, 2010 / Checking whether to include
This article was last updated on July 11, 2019, and has not been updated for more than 1904 days. If the content or picture is invalid, please leave a message for feedback.

I didn't expect that it was Akismet, the culprit that caused my blog to post comments on 404 pages! I never thought that this official plug-in would cause me trouble. The reason why I took so long to find it is because I believe it too much.

After disabling all plug-ins two days ago, I found no 404. Because the previous article needs to insert several pictures, the TinyMCE Advanced editing extension was opened for convenience, and Akismet was also opened. For one thing, the spam comment is really annoying, and for another thing, it's an official plug-in, so it can't go wrong. As a result, the 404 reappeared magnificently... I thought it was a problem with TinyMCE Advanced, so I stopped using it again... But the 404 still came frequently. After disabling Akismet, everything is calm.

After downloading and installing the WP2.. 9.2 program again, 404 still appears after Akismet is enabled; After deleting and re downloading Akismet, 404 still appears... As long as Akismet is disabled, 404 errors disappear.

I found out the behind the scenes, but could not find a perfect solution. After all, if you disable Akismet, you will have to face more and more garbage comments. I also don't want to use plug-ins such as verification codes. I can't hurt others with things I hate.

Now, I have switched to the American host. This is the final verification. After all, some people say that it is related to the host
Now that Akismet is enabled, I hope I won't see the damn 404! Everyone, please continue to send me comments and tests, thank you!


There is no problem in starting Akismet on the US host. As long as you return to the Beijing host, there will be 404 errors! In the past few months when Akismet was disabled on the Beijing host, there was no 404 error again!

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